doublepepperoni [none/use name]

  • 80 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020

  • If you want to get into Resident Evil and want to start from the beginning, the HD remaster of the Gamecube remake of Resident Evil 1 is on Steam.

    It is often considered one of the greatest remakes of all time and widely thought to surpass the original while preserving everything that made the original great (with the exception of the cheesy FMV cutscenes and dialogue. The remade dialogue is still cheesy but not nearly as funny) unlike the 2/3 remakes that change the games completely.

    Technically Resident Evil 0, the HD remaster of which is also on Steam, is the actual beginning of the story in terms of the series’ timeline but I would not recommend it to a newcomer. Consider it advanced studies to come back to later.

    The only main games which do not have modern PC ports on current storefronts are 2, 3 and Code Veronica and there are multiple ways to experience each on PC.

    I grew up with the PS1 so I tend to just emulate those versions for 2 and 3, which is honestly rather painless with Duckstation, but there are plenty of other ways. You could also emulate the Dreamcast or Gamecube ports of said games, and I believe the GC version has a mod for HD backgrounds.There’s also the Classic Rebirth Patches for the Japanese-only PC ports which can be found floating about online.

    As for CV, you have the original Dreamcast version and the Code Veronica X port for PS2 and the later HD ports of CVX for Xbox 360 and PS3. All four can be emulated, though IIRC there’s issues with emulating the 360 version. Also some people are not fans of the changed lighting in the HD remake in general. I just emulate the PS2 version with PCSX2

  • I like parts of this story. I think it’s funny and great that this ragtag group of Japanese misfit game dev amateurs stumbled onto a huge hit by cobbling together a bunch of game design ideas from different popular games from the past decade and sprinkling Pokemon on top of them. This hacked together Frankenstein of a meme game has probably outsold FFXVI by now michael-laugh

    Apparently the CEO couldn’t get hired by big Japanese studios, then found out Steam would let anyone sell games on there

    I also like that their character designer is some high school dropout who they found working at a 7/11 near their office

    On the other hand, from the CEO’s NFT and AI tweets and his own admission that he’s more interested in chasing trends than innovative, boundary-pushing game design he kind of seems like an opportunistic rise and grind dipshit

  • Didn’t check the settings in DOA1 but the age meter was definitely in the PS2 version of Dead Or Alive 2. I think it was just a bounce strength slider with a weird name. It maxed out at 99 chomsky-yes-honey

    I played a ton of DOA3 with friends and siblings on the original Xbox but never had DOA2 Ultimate. We assumed it wouldn’t have had the new characters from DOA3 so we just kept playing DOA3 instead. I actually downloaded roms of both DOA3 and DOA2U a while back and tried them out with Cxbx-Reloaded and Xemu but sadly the emulation wasn’t quite there yet, at least on my machine.