dead [he/him]

  • 37 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 3rd, 2021


  • Hasan Piker did show this photo on stream but didn’t say much about it. He kept saying “I don’t have anything to say”. Hasan became real life friends with JPEGMafia. In 2021, JPEGMafia ate Christmas dinner with Hasan and his parents. That seems like a pretty close relationship.

    Hasan basically said that he didn’t know that JPEGMafia was going to do this and he hopes that JPEGMafia is going to try to move Kanye away from his far right beliefs. This seems like wishful thinking.

  • Adding context to this image. On the left is Kanye “I love Hitler” West. Kanye said he would release a new album called Vultures on December 15, then it was delayed until New Year, then January 12, and now it is TBD. People speculated that the Vultures album cover was a reference to neonazi band Burzum and this new photo with Kanye wearing a burzum tshirt confirms that. Kanye is still saying antisemitic things and went on at least one antisemitic rant in the past month.

    Kanye’s teeth look weird because this week he spent $750k to install a permanent grill in his mouth that makes him look like Jaws from 007.

    On the right is JPEGMafia aka Peggy. JPEGMafia is a self-proclaimed communist, political, experimental hip hop artist. Some JPEGMafia songs that stand out to me are “I wipe my ass with confederate flags” and “I just killed a cop now I’m horny”. JPEGMafia is/was a fan of hasanabi and became real life friends; JPEGMafia ate Christmas dinner with Hasan’s family in 2021.

    4 days ago, JPEGMafia posted a drunken rant on twitter about how he wants to work with Kanye because he only cares about money and Kanye is his hero who inspired him to start making music.

    Today, we are given this photo of them working together. I am devastated.

  • dead [he/him]@hexbear.nettochapotraphouse@hexbear.netKnow thy class.
    9 months ago

    No it’s not irrelevant because Marx says that people gain class consciousness through recognizing that they are exploited by the people who purchase their labor. The artisan doesn’t experience the same struggle as someone who sells their labor directly to a capitalist.

    The problem is not “selling your labor”. Exploitation occurs by surplus labor value being extracted from your labor. The exploitation is that the capitalist pays the proletarian less than their labor value produces. When an artisan sells things that they have made, they receive their full labor value.

    The artisan is not being directly exploited by the capitalist and therefore probably does not see capitalists as the “ruling class”.

  • If we say that class is a person’s relation to labor and the means of production, bourgeois own the means of production and purchase labor to extract profit, proletarians do not own the means of production and must sell there labor, then there are examples of people who have some characteristics of either class and don’t necessarily fit into either class.

    Artisans are people who are an expert at a skill and sometimes own the means of production for their craft. They own the things that they create and do not sell their labor to the bourgeoisie. They sell the things that they make.

    Small business owners may either own the means of production and not be able to purchase labor, or they may be able to purchase labor but not be able to afford the means of production. Some small business owners are not successful enough at extracting profits, that they also have to sell their own labor.

    I think it’s important to recognize this class of people because it is presented in American culture as the “American Dream”. In American culture, people are taught to believe that the ideal lifestyle involves both selling your labor and extracting labor value from others. This is what I believe is the real “middle class”. It is “middle class” because it has a mix of characteristics between bourgeois and prole. It is maybe why so many people want to call themselves middle class. It is really nefarious because it blurs the lines drawn of class conflict

  • dead [he/him]@hexbear.nettochapotraphouse@hexbear.netKnow thy class.
    9 months ago

    Unfortunately I don’t think everyone knows this. Many people learned about Marxism through memes (don’t laugh) and those people maybe couldn’t accurately explain the Marxist class theory.

    Also many people who came to Hexbear came by other means than being Marxist. Many people came to Hexbear for veganism, being LGBT, Ukrainian war coverage, etc. Some of them are Marxists, but not everyone who joins Hexbear is a Marxist. Not every person on Hexbear has a good understanding of Marxism.

    I think it’s okay that they are here but you should be aware that not every knows everything that you know.

  • Card 1

    Your diet of fried food and supplements is making you hallucinate. In a vision, Pepe the Frog dances around you. He approaches, holding a moonshine martini.
    Roll a 7 or higher:
    If you succeed, take a +1 Prize Card.
    If you fail, confess to Pepe that you love fucking your wife and lose -1 Prize Card.

    Card 2

    You find an unused vial of Hillary Clinton’s adrenochrome on the floor.
    Gain +1 Health.

    Card 3

    Once again, you have been silenced! Big tech and their demon-rat allies have conspired to ban your social media account.
    If you have ever been banned from a social media site, gain +1 Health.

    Card 4

    As you scour the floor for lottery tickets, you come across a pipe bomb! Despite its phallic shape, you immediately hurl yourself onto it.
    Roll a 7 or higher:
    If you succeed, you crush the bomb and save the day. Everyone is safe.
    If you fail, every Patriot in your wing loses -1 Health. Talk about a hurt locker!

    Card 5

    After four years of accusing every famous person of being a Satanic pedophile, you begin to suspect the same of your closest allies.
    All Patriots must roll a single die.
    The highest roll wins the pedophile battle royale, beating the accusations and taking +1 Prize Card from each Patriot.
    In case of tie, roll until a winner is decided.

  • Did you read the article? Stop posting screenshot of headlines without reading the article. The article is not about mysterious migrant buses. The article is about Texas putting migrants on buses and sending them to other states. Texas has shipped 90,000 legal migrants to Democrat states while claiming that the migrants were illegal immigrants, often times lying to the migrants and then abandoning them.

    Most of the migrants are from Venezuela and seeking asylum legally in the US. Texas is bussing them to other states to create a conspiracy theory that there is an immigration crisis by sending legal immigrants to Demcorat states. It’s a really messed up that Texas is doing this and Biden isn’t even doing anything to stop Texas.

    Stop posting misinformation.