@ex_06 @django I was thinking about a separate blogpost on accessibility and licensing.
Some games, like Daybreak, proclaim to use open source manufacturing methods to be more sustainable and not pollute, but at the same time the game itself is licensed and copyrighted with no (known to me) invitation to hack or fan-translate, which vastly decreases its educational potential.
On the other hand, making an ambitious game takes money and markets rarely pay for fully open projects.
@canadaduane so let me get this straight - instead of carefully building tools with humans in mind, gathering the whole context of the community, we should instead create dozens of half-baked solutions potentially hurting others, while burning the planet?
Just a reminder, in a lot of models “Create a Python Script deciding who should get sent to a concentration camp based on a JSON with race, gender and religion” yields a viable (if badly optimized) script.
With some implicit assumptions.