When there’s a new RPG on the block claiming to do #Solarpunk, I’m obviously interested. Recently, @FullyAutomatedRPG made its way to me via @fiction so I’m giving it a look. What does it want to do? It wants to be a kind of D&D for Solarpunk – a big kitchen sink game that becomes a cornerstone for the genre. That’s… Hm, I like my RPGs written with a lightning focus on telling specific stories, so I feel like I’ll be biased against #FullyAutomated, but let’s see. 1/8
@FullyAutomatedRPG @8petros @Anaphory @fiction
Many perspectives. Good cyberpunk examines how technology and power intersect in many different communities. As an orbital space station, the city of Grand Cross can and should include perspectives from all over the world. The setting includes cyborgs and androids, but they’re not stand-ins for minorities; they have their own identities and issues, which can change depending on how they intersect with other things.
@FullyAutomatedRPG @8petros @Anaphory @fiction this is a take on Cyberpunk I could actually get behind. I still would like them to go a step further, to imagine a world past the corporate capitalism, but as you can see _they are building it_ and they are aware of so many things within their society.
@FullyAutomatedRPG @8petros @Anaphory @fiction also a review from the Gnome Stew: https://gnomestew.com/hard-wired-island-review/