SootyChimney [any]

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • ublock obviously should be installed on Firefox by default. But I seem to have a host of privacy add-ons that break few-to-no websites.

    • Privacy Possum , which blocks certain tracking headers/js. Privacy Badger by the EFF is an acceptable alternative but I’ve personally found it doesn’t block quite as much.
    • NoScript Honestly my favourite addon of all time. You can operate in block-everything mode and just allow javascript/HTML5 from sites you trust, or if you’re lazy then just operate in allow-everything mode and every now and then set crummy sites to untrusted (looking at you google tag manager). In block-everything-by-default mode, this add-on will break some sites, but the UI is so easy it’s a couple of clicks to trust all the sites in a tab and auto-refresh.

    Be warned - If you’re not privacy conscious, you might cry from seeing the hundreds of sites that are running javascript on your machine without asking.

    • User-Agent Switcher Really easy add-on to just leave on and misdirect sites. Never caused me a single problem, and in fact is useful when sites (looking at you Microsoft Teams) claim they don’t work in Firefox and refuse to load but actually work fine if you use this addon and pretend to be Chrome.
    • Sponsorblock kicks ass. 30 hours of ads skipped in half a year.

    And my personal silly couple ones:

    • Wikipedia Vector Skin because I’m an old fuddy duddy and I like old Wikipedia.
    • Cat-In-Tab because I’m also an old fuddy-duddy that likes whimsy sometimes. This is just silly but I like it.

  • It’s a collaborative effort. The Wine and Vulkan projects have all done a lot and deserved credit for doing massive, amazing things. But for Linux gaming specifically, Proton has absolutely changed the landscape, and if Valve continues down this path, will make Linux an ever better gaming platform. So I don’t think it’s unfair to say thanks to Valve.

    Not only have they sunk significant resource into making Linux gaming more viable, they’ve released Proton under BSD and seriously pushed developers to make Linux-compatible binaries. If Linux continues it’s slow upward trend in popularity, Valve will be in large part to thank.

  • This is already a modern hellscape scenario that happens. Check out the UK postmaster scandal, a piece of software said that >100 postmasters across the country were stealing money. They all protested their innocence. Many were imprisoned for decades. Many committed suicide over it. Years afterward, they realised the software might be faulty, and didn’t say anything. Only recently did they have to admit that it was probably a bug.

  • Literally anybody who can afford rent, can by definition afford to BOTH maintain a home AND keep a fucking leech solvent.

    If you insist on being a lib and keeping money like that, just make some very simple social programs for amortising heavy up-front maintenance costs and simplifying house ownership, and landlords become redundant even within capitalism.

    There is no justification - Landlords do not do work, they are parasites.