مهما طال الليل

  • 344 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 28th, 2023


  • The term used in Islamic jurisprudence for someone who claims to believe in a religion but doesn’t follow it is munafiq i.e. hypocrite. I don’t know what it is called in Christianity/English. But since Islam borrows a lot of concepts, some literally such as shaheed being literal translation from Greek: martyr, and I have heard Christian Arabs use “munafiq”, I would think the Greek word for it will be related to hypocrisy.

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman

    Not a logical fallacy. Anyone can claim they worship Christ, but all religion have obligations that if you don’t follow you are clearly not a follower.

    No one can follow everything in the Bible. It contradicts itself all over the place.

    No one can follow “feed the hungry, heal the sick, and house the houseless”? I understand if it was some contradictory command, but this one clearly isn’t.

    I will give an example from Islam since I am more familiar with it. Alcohol is prohibited in Islam yet some people claim to be Muslims and consume it. Those people fall under one of two, no third:

    1. They know they are committing a sin and feel bad about it.
    2. Deny they are committing a sin.

    Those who are group 1, are still Muslims but sinners, but group 2 are out out out!

    So those who don’t to feed the hungry and deny the obligation, aren’t Christian.

  • I didn’t know the US had geopolitical relations with Israel, my bad. Keep genocidin Biden, silly me I thought our lives mattered.

    The only difference between Biden and Trump is rhetoric. Biden pretends to care yet sends them thousands of tons of bombs. If he was acting as a moderator he wouldn’t arm one side only, certainly not the side engaged in genocide.

  • You do realize that you can vote third party and they maybe better aligned with your values?

    The only people taking people’s power away are those telling us that we have to choose between the candidates we don’t like and ignore the ones that we do agree with.

    I as an Arab American will not vote for someone enabling the death and destruction of my people. Call us Russian trolls all you want.