MultigrainCerealista [he/him, comrade/them]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023

  • Why?

    Why even is getting a man on the moon important?

    And if it was important why did we stop?

    The value of manned missions was propaganda which is why the Apolo mission was cancelled when it stopped getting TV ratings. Because getting humans on the moon didn’t actually deliver anything of much importance except those TV ratings.

    “First game of golf on the moon” good job USA you did it meanwhile the USSR landed on Venus.

  • Qatar, and by extension of cash money also Al Jazeera, is very anti-Iran.

    I’m not seeing any news of this at all in Iranian media, which actually is fairly tabloid and weight lifting is a big thing in Iran. Even if you want to tell yourself the regime has absolute control over information, which isn’t true, they’d still need to provide a cover story due to the high profile nature of it and I don’t see one.

    Also Iranian social media is vibrant and also I don’t see anything in Persian but maybe I’m using the wrong search terms?

    All I see are the bbc and the telegraph and cnn etc etc etc repeating almost exactly the same story word for word.

    It seems like fake news to me. The classic case of one biased journalist writing a story, sending it to AP, and the entire western media just repeating the thing word for word because it’s free news inches and posting propaganda of this nature is oddly enough free in our modern system of journalism.

    It seems unlikely to actually be true to me. It seems more likely that it’s being syndicated without any critical enquiry because it agrees with the establishment narrative about Iran.

  • The reason 1984 is promoted so hard is because Orwell called himself a socialist who hated Stalin, so checkmate, and they just ignore the fact he was a British colonial police officer, a minor aristocrat, his father made money selling opium to China, he was educated at fucking Eton, and his more autobiographical works include pretty explicit scenes about how he regularly raped Burmese women as a police officer and he’d dismiss the men for their “sneering yellow faces.”

    The guy is such a piece of shit. He hated the fact that he was born poor because he felt that as minor nobility he was entitled to wealth. That’s all his socialism ever was, the angst of someone who identified as petit bourgeois and is angry that they in fact have to work for a living.

    He was a coward in the Spanish civil war. He was given a place on the front lines in the foreign communist brigades which is avoided by hiding out on a rooftop in the relatively quiet Aragorn sector (he likes to call it the Aragorn “front”, just like the Lviv “front” in Ukraine today there’s nothing going on there), spending his time drinking wine, reading novels, and writing dispatches that made it sound like he wasn’t a hundred kilometers or more from the actual front line.

    It was only when a friend, a communist friend, called him out on this that he actually went to the front, was immediately wounded, and returned to Barcelona and then to London.

    Since he took a bullet his status of war hero was achieved and so he spent the rest of the war undermining the communist faction, accusing them of “in fighting” when it was him that was literally devoting his time to angry gamer rants.

    Fuck Orwell. Eliot Blair is a wannabe patrician. He wasn’t even a “democratic socialist”. His only actual contribution to the world was to romanticize the Spanish civil war somewhat which did help raise money from the sympathetic but inactive British libs but that pales in comparison to his history of raping Burmese women, of serving the British colonial empire, of selling out communists to the British establishment especially black and homosexual communists, and his writing style isn’t even that good.

    Here’s a quote from George Orwell when approach by the BBC’s “eastern service” (the equivalent of Radio Free Europe cia shit but for the bbc, his job was to target India)

    I accept absolutely the need for propaganda to be directed by the [British] government.

    What a socialist!!!

  • I see a lot of geopolitical calculus in your response - to what extent is the influence of the US over Europe and European markets limited by a Russian victory. You present something of a US-centric point of view but sure it’s a valid one. If Russia wins then yes likely the geopolitical influence of the USA will be knocked back to where it was in the 1980s with true multipolar politics, and it’s also true that if Europe wasn’t sanctioning Russian energy then they’d likely be buying that much cheaper energy, thereby reducing the geopolitical influence of the USA over Europe.

    So I think I agree with most of what you say. But your perspective leaves something very important out of the equation:

    Where does the will of the people who live in Donbas and Lubansk and Crimea factor into your math? Do we respect their right to self-determination? If not, why not?

  • Some people can get more into debt than others this is true, but the key point is that you should load up on as much debt as possible because that’s fucking FREE MONEY all you have to do is not need any debt for 7 years.

    Do you want to join a commune? Rack up that debt first.

    Do you want to live in Europe? Rack up that debt first.

    Interested in being a writer? You’ll be poor as fuck anyway so rack up that debt first.

    firms are incredibly willing to extend personal debt so take advantage of the fact that you can declare bankruptcy and score yourself 50,000-500,000 in the form of personal debt the banks were wrong to offer you and declare bankruptcy it’s praxis and you can pay for a free holiday just do it.

  • Hey kids did you know that bankruptcy only lasts 7 years?

    If you’re under the age of 50 and you’re not exploiting this loophole for FREE MONEY FROM THE BANKS to pay off your student loans then you’re a sucker.

    1. Get a good enough credit score to get several high value credit cards.
    2. Stop spending your money and start directing your money to student loans (because they aren’t typically discharged under bankruptcy because the system is RIGGED against you)
    3. Pay off one card with another card. Let that balance balloon. Maybe even get some free flights from the points for a cheap holiday.
    4. At the age of 25-30 you’ve probably reached the point where the walls start closing in. Turn off your phone and file for bankruptcy.
    5. Once you achieve bankruptcy and you’ve hopefully paid off most of your student loans by directing your cash there and living off of credit cards, NOW IT’S EUROPE TIME BABY.
    6. After 7 years living in Spain, Greece, Berlin, or France you’ve grown as a person, you’ve probably learned a new language and a new appreciation for architecture and art, maybe you’ve also met the love of your life. Whatever who gives a fuck now your credit card debt is gone baby. You beat the system.