Clean hands, Cool head, Warm heart.
GP, Gardener, Radical progressive
I don’t think the downvotes are because you’re misgendering them. It’s just baffling why you’ve gendered them at all. It’s unfunny and out of place.
I keep seeing commentary saying that we shouldn’t use the ADF for disaster relief.
We have an organisation full of people with exactly the skills and organisation required that we maintain at great expense and barely use. Can someone give me a sensible explanation why it’s not a good idea to use them for disaster response.
On a second note I know for a fact that small scale politics and wasteful spending are endemic in volunteer emergency services. I’m not sure what reform is needed but something certainly is. I’m about to re-enter a volunteer fire brigade for the first time in years so I’m sure I’ll be full of opinions in a few months.
Good work comrade, this is the way to live.
The budget deficit has been reducing over time under the current government, the man promoting nuclear is Dutton the opposition leader, his plans for nuclear power are being criticized as expensive, he is being portrayed as stupid in promoting nuclear which would reverse the trend of reducing deficits.
It’s a bit convoluted and not particularly funny but it does make sense.
Modern guns a extremely precisely engineered devices that are incredibly easy to use, for better or worse. I know modern sporting bows are also but it’s no contest in my opinion.
I’ve shot both, bows as a complete amateur and relatively competent with a rifle. There is no question that a modern gun is way easier to pick up as an amateur and hit what you want to hit and I cannot possibly believe there are anything other than extremely niche uses where a bow is superior.
Sexuality is complex and you’re not alone in not being able to easily fit yourself into a label and that’s okay. It can be comforting and reassuring to know that you fit under a banner of people that have the same experience but for now just know you are not alone.
There is no harm in spending time with men and/or women and seeing how you feel.
I’m very much a privacy amateur but am interested in comments on my set up, I’m sure it’s not ideal.
I use [email protected] for personal email. Anything @lastname.tld forwards to my main email so for the rare occasion I need to access Facebook my account is [email protected] and so on for any other untrustworthy sites.
I can easily block emails from a leak or just if unsubscribing is made difficult.
4 player map can be good to have segments of your farm for different uses. Although I’ve found it annoying as I found it hard to have a good flow to the morning.
Spoiler: The fact that the ALP is Neoliberal is kind of the point of the article.
You’ve laid out the RBA position fairly enough.
Part of the subtext of this piece is an ongoing debate, historically through the second half of the 20th century and into the GFC it seems that countries that adopt excessively tight monetary and fiscal policy have a lower quality of life long term in a way that is difficult to reverse, whereas the long term consequences of a slower, or even labile, return to target levels of inflation is likely nothing.
This is something that professional economists disagree on and I abandoned economics the second I got my bachelor’s but the historical evidence is compelling.
Because the interest rate has a direct impact on quality of life. Everything else being equal a lower interest rate is better.
Cross post from
Thanks [email protected]
It’s really common to get weird dreams when quitting smoking. Especially if you’re using nicotine replacement and extra especially if you’re using a patch and not taking it off before bed.
Changes in the amount of nicotine in your blood disrupts REM, it’s more fragmented and this seems to have the effect of more intense dreams.
deleted by creator
Reduced the price to the consumer, never even thought about increasing the price to the producer
Hate for Wikipedia comes from a few places.
The first and most important is that most people who have tried to edit Wikipedia have their first edit reverted, usually with good reason, because they don’t understand the procedures and policies. Unfortunately these procedures and policies are what maintains high quality.
Related is news articles and blogs about edit wars and less frequently that an article or group of articles is genuinely captured by one volunteer who will protect their own little fiefdoms and not allow anyone else to edit them. This happens but it’s pretty uncommon and the structure of Wikipedia means that it only really stands on fairly obscure articles.
It’s also true that Wikipedia does have an inherent western liberal bias. It’s subtle but it is there and results from the fact that for the majority of Wikipedia editors western liberalism is the water they swim in. Any claim that is counter to this ideology needs to be cited up the wazoo whereas claims that are confidant with it will often slide without citation. Those with a strong attachment to an alternative ideology often find it infuriating.
Finally there are individuals who would rather have the arbiter of truth be the powerful rather than a relatively democratic institution.
All that said Wikipedia is a remarkable achievement and an invaluable part of the internet.
It is fine, unless you want a brand that doesn’t have a deal with Bunnings, or unless you want garden furniture that is remotely durable, or unless you want some advice from someone who has experience in hardware.
Back when Bunnings was one of several large chains and small local hardwares were much more common it was easy, even Bunnings was made better by the competition. Monopolies are bad for consumers.
I don’t understand how the heck Bunnings manages to have so much public good will.
It’s a total monopoly that has run all of it’s competition out of business and over the past 20 years has become progressively shitter at customer service.
I miss other hardware stores 😔
“That genre also avoids putting players into overly stressful situations.” Like Skull Cavern
But seriously, meditative is exactly how I’d describe a lot of Stardew gameplay.
In the recent WA state election we saw a pretty substantial shift towards greens and independents especially in rural seats away from nationals and libs. This is in part due seachangers and treechangers but interesting none the less.