Evilsandwichman [none/use name]

  • 27 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 12th, 2021


  • Guys running the one platform be like “they’re pirating our show,” other guy hosting a different platform be like “no, in this region it’s us hosting that show so it’s us they’re pirating from,” third guy hosting another platform be like “next month it’s our platform that’ll be hosting it so it’ll be us they’re pirating from”, fourth guy hosting another platform be like “we’re the guys authorized to actually be selling that show in this region at this time, so they’re also pirating from us”, fifth guy also hosting another platform be like “wait, they’re also pirating this show only we’re authorized to stream but we don’t offer our service in that country”

    Pirate be like “I host everything”

    (Not justifying it, just saying Gabe was right)

  • Jewish culture and history


    No one here has a problem with Jewish culture and history, Zionism though we do. Socialist and anarchist settler colonialists are still settler colonialists. Those socialist and anarchists you’re talking about, do they fight alongside Palestinian resistance against the Israeli state? In South Africa for example, there were white people who were sympathetic to the plight of black South Africans and aided the ANC especially in sabotage operations; I haven’t heard of socialist and anarchist Israelis who do the same. There was a guy whose name escapes me who I believe was Jewish, who also fought alongside Che if I recall correctly, who initially supported Zionism, but when he went to Israel and saw what Israel was, he fought alongside the Palestinian resistance (having some trouble finding him; he was posted about here on hexbear). Israelis who support Palestinian resistance absolutely have our support here.