AnarchoAnarchist [none/use name]

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 11th, 2023


  • Minor quibble, but I don’t think Ukraine has shown that air superiority is not important. I think it’s shown that air superiority is easier and more cost-effective when achieved with surface-to-air missile systems like the s400. Overall, air superiority fighters are still an important part of the Air Force, but they are not The only way to deny your enemy access to the airspace.

    Russia is still regularly flying MiG 31s with beyond visual range air-to-air missiles, they are still maintaining combat air patrols, they still have AWACs and other sensor platforms in the air. The only reason Ukraine is able to maintain awareness of the battlefield, is NATO AWACs and airborne sensors feed intelligence to them, and Russia has not wanted to escalate the war by attacking them directly.

    But the main reason that Ukraine is having trouble, is NATO’s combat doctrine always assumes that their first step is maintaining air superiority. It’s hard to do that when an s400 can shoot your plane down from 100 miles away, airborne radar is searching for you, MiG 31s are just waiting to make themselves useful by intercepting you at Mach 2.5 to blow you out of the sky, and every inch of the front has instant communication lines to regional HQ.

  • From the little research I’ve done slavery is an issue, 8 years of relentless bombardment and sanctions and impoverishment will force people into precarious situations. As far as I’m aware there hasn’t been like a giant “slavery is legal now” law passed or anything of the sort.

    I don’t know what Ansarallah thinks about slavery, but I know that conditional support does not mean I agree with everything that someone does. I know that the Saudis are not in a position to complain about another nation’s human rights record. And finally I know that I am painfully ignorant about the whole situation.

  • It seems like there’s been some astro turfing about this in the last few days, it is becoming a popular Liberal talking point. Slavery was outlawed back in the 60s, but Saudi outlets claim the Houthis family has 1,800 slaves and wants to expand the practice. Slavery and human trafficking is an issue because of the extreme situation of the people, after 8 years of relentless bombardment the human rights situation is not what most people would consider ideal.

    Slavery does seem to be an issue, and I am not sure how Ansarallah views it.

    But this is why critical support is a very important principle. We can cheer the actions people actively fighting for Palestinians, without saying we agree with everything that they do. Churchill hated Stalin’s guts and vice-versa iirc, but they were willing to work together to defeat the greater enemy.