Hello folks! First, I’d like to clarify that, even as a bloodmouth, I fully understand why some people have moral objections to eating meat. I am simply here to ask about it, as someone who is not a vegan.

So I suppose I have a few questions for anyone who wants to answer them, 100% as your own opinions and feelings about the topic.

Why do you make the conscious decision to not eat meat/animal products? Do you have negative feelings towards those who raise their own animals for food, such as those who raise chickens for eggs or cattle for milk, and otherwise treat the animals ethically? Are there other reasons for not eating meat that I’m not considering? When did you choose to switch to a vegan lifestyle, what (if any) was the “catalyst”? What are some challenges that you have dealt with when it comes to this lifestyle? Why do you believe there is a continued stigma around veganism in many physical/internet communities?

I understand that as someone who isn’t vegan, this is not my space, and I am trying to be as respectful as possible while here. If I have said anything objectionable within my questions or otherwise, please let me know so I can avoid making the mistake in the future.

EDIT: Holy crap, thank you all for the responses! I appreciate y’all for taking the time out of your day to respond and share your knowledge. I’m going to go watch Dominion within the next few days since some of you mentioned that.

  • Zozano
    2 months ago

    Why do you make the conscious decision to not eat meat/animal products?

    I don’t want to contribute to unnecessary suffering. Also it fucks the environment.

    Do you have negative feelings towards those who [farm] ethically?

    I still have negative feelings about it, the welfare of non-human animals is normally far better outside a factory farm, but the slaughter is still unnecessary (for people in first world countries).

    Are there other reasons for not eating meat that I’m not considering?

    You asked why we don’t eat meat. I ask you, “why do you eat meat?”. I’m convinced that there is no moral framework which permits carnism.

    When did you choose to switch to a vegan lifestyle, what (if any) was the “catalyst”?

    I became vegan about four years ago. I’ve always thought eating meat is fucked up, but it was normalised, so I never thought about stopping. I can’t remember what caused the shift, but I remember having a reserve of “willpower”, so I used it to transition.

    What are some challenges that you have dealt with when it comes to this lifestyle?

    1. No vegan options at restaurants is bullshit
    2. People ordering food for you incorrectly, then you look like an asshole for turning it down, or look like a fake for eating it. (I’ve eaten cheese after becoming vegan, because I don’t want to contribute to food waste, but meat is a hard no).
    3. The smell of meat is gross now, I feel that carnists are entitled to stink up places. That doesn’t feel great.
    4. The longer you’re a vegan you realise how addicted carnists are to meat. Some struggle with the idea of eating a plant-based meal.

    Why do you believe there is a continued stigma around veganism in many physical/internet communities?

    Many do not become vegan through rational compassion, but rather, intuitive empahy. This leads to a community who are driven by their emotions primarily. A highly emotional, minority community is the prime candidate for toxicity. r/vegan was a fucking cesspool. They made it more difficult to become vegan because I didn’t want to be seen as someone who is anything like the fuckwits who regularly post there.

    I understand that as someone who isn’t vegan, this is not my space, and I am trying to be as respectful as possible while here.

    You’re good, thanks for the level headed questions.