That was dialogue our written into the movie which was scrapped before the movie was released, which could be interpreted as hyperbolic, since the director stated it was 10 years, then 30-40 years in a different interview.
That was dialogue our written into the movie which was scrapped before the movie was released, which could be interpreted as hyperbolic, since the director stated it was 10 years, then 30-40 years in a different interview.
Then, to break the curse you’ll need to find Rita, and make her love you.
I’m more concerned about the implication of never breaking the curse.
Would failing to break the curse mean the universe fails to continue?
You would be responsible for the end of time, if so.
Assuming you can figure out how to break the curse.
There are dozens of us! Dozens!!
Microsoft Clippy materializes as your permanent sidekick. You cannot close Clippy.
“Looks like you’re jacking off again, would you like help with that?”
“Looks like you’re thinking about your ex again, would you like to stage a home invasion?”
“All women hate you, the logical conclusion is that modern day feminism is at fault, would you like directions to the nearest KKK rally?”
Clippy has a lot of issues. It’s not worth it bro.
Assuming I wake up in Phil Collins shoes…
If I’m unaware that I’m the main character, then Truman Show.
If I am aware that I’m the MC, but I’m stuck in the Groundhog loop for more than 5 years, then Truman Show.
If I’m aware that I’m the MC, but unaware there’s a condition to break the Groundhog curse, than Truman Show.
If the day involves me waking up in MY bed tomorrow, without knowing there’s a condition to break the curse, then I’m fine with not breaking the curse. I’d actually be pretty pissed off if I broke the curse accidentally.
This is my philosophy too. If a show is regarded as amazing, I’ll watch the first season in full, unless I actively hate it.
The impetus behind this, is the understanding that seasons, just like movies, have a series of acts. The first act is establishing characters, the second act is layering conflict, and the third is the payoff.
I would’ve missed out on some amazing shows, had I not pushed through.
Cross disciplinary skills are necessary for invention.
I like to think of ADHD as a beneficial mutagen in our technological and artistic evolution.
I’ll tell you what’s definitely unsettling;
The fact that if you kiss a mirror, you’ll only ever kiss yourself on the lips.
I use my teeth.
He’s a fun one.
Before smart-phones, my Dad used to work in a building next to an adult shop. From his desk he would see every customer who walked in.
He realized that there were people who would visit multiple times throughout the week, and leave without buying anything, sometimes with their workmates.
One day he decided to go in and check it out. The place had a “public viewing room”. Basically a mini-cinema in a dark room.
People were coming in during their lunch breaks to bust a nut, then go back to work.
There are different types of intelligence tests, sure. What I was talking about was IQ tests.
But yes, I do hate intelligence tests, they have a long history of reinforcing systemic racism.
Mensa has long been the benchmark for high IQ societies.
Go take their sample IQ test. It is only pattern recognition.
Unfortunately this is the norm.
IQ tests are interesting, because they’re mainly a test of pattern recognition.
However, knowing how the patterns are formed, can easily net you +10 points on an IQ test.
It’s a shit way to determine “intelligence”.
Some people might score highly, but are socially inept and unmotivated, meaning they have a lot of raw power, without having the mental capability to channel it productively, which is pretty fucking stupid.
Then you get people like Musk and Trump, who are both highly motivated people, despite being dumb as rocks. Yet, our geniuses can’t figure out how to mitigate their stupidity.
Yeah, there are a lot of low IQ dickhead out there, must be genetic or something.
Debating what intelligence is, is such a circle-jerk.
The term is so broad, that it encompasses aspects like motivation, memory retention capacity, memory recall rates, differentiates between verbal, spacial and emotional intelligence, and occasionally veers into scientific racism.
It’s a fucking shit show. The comment sections of posts about intelligence are generally toxic because people end up talking past each other.
Didn’t mean to imply any impairment in sebum production, other than the increase to accommodate for the dryness. (Which can result in overly oily hair when you stop shampooing, which is a feedback loop your wallet really doesn’t need to accommodate for).
For what its worth, my haircare routine consists entirely of warm water and a bit of a scrub.
People are genuinely amazed when I tell them I don’t use shampoo or conditioner lol.
Phil Conners shoes are fine too