For anyone interested:

It’s a shame because the Stack Exchange network is the best place to find good answers to questions and if the good contributors are disgruntled over this (and they probably should be) it will be the death of the site.

I haven’t read into it too far but it would be better if they only allowed it for new questions - so people know what they’re getting into.

    5 months ago

    I’m sorry but I’m struggling to feel for the Stack Overflow contributors here. SO has always been such a toxic environment that it’s essentially become a meme. Yes there used to be a few people who valued their karma/points there but could anyone argue that anyone went there for ‘the community’? I’ve seen posts recently on twitter from people even with high scores on stack overflow saying that they’ve not visited or contributed for years. People just want effective solutions efficiently. I recall that in the past no one was complaining on behalf of SO about all those shitty recycling sites like expertsexchange, only that they didn’t like the interface. Is the difference now that it’s expected to be popular?