SOLVED: it’s Antitrust! Thanks everyone!

It’s a tech related movie came out probably early 2000s.

Bits I remember:

  • A group of home brew coders watches a webinar of some large software company.
  • One of them gets hired by the company to work on a large project
  • The project is supposed to enable content delivery/streaming while overcoming bandwidth constraints, but they’re stuck in development
  • Main character is working on the project and is making headway but discovers something nefarious might be going on in the company
  • He checks around the place and realises a large mouse sculpture in the company campus playground is actually a hidden satellite
  • Using a computer in the children’s daycare room he uncovers the conspiracy
  • He manages to finish off the project, and the company thinks everything is fine
  • The tech company tests the system and it works perfectly broadcasting everywhere.
  • But the guy uses this test to present a montage of all the evidence of the conspiracy. Also uploads the project source code
  • Company CEO gets arrested or something, everyone lives happily ever after.
    10 months ago

    Definitely not The Net, I watched it a few months ago. Was pretty decent for a 90s thriller but doesn’t match.

    • NathA
      9 months ago

      I have never actually walked out of a movie at the cinema. But this movie is the closest I have ever come to it. Ironically, all I remember about it now was that it had IP addresses in it that were out of range (think 562.322.17.354) of what’s actually possible. To someone who was in the tech sector, this film was really hard to watch.