If you have thoughts on what you would prefer to see in content or NOT to see, add a comment here (make an anonymous account if you want) and let me (the mod team) know.

Ideally, I would prefer users to talk about local issues to them rather than me adding mostly boring news content.

If you have local blogs, independent news, landcare or catchment groups, etc., post it so we can see. You can also add content to the list so we dont lose track of it.

  • Mothra@mander.xyz
    11 months ago

    Just to clarify, I’m not even sure I’d say it’s truly a problem and I don’t recall ever downvoting any of your posts- I appreciate that you are putting in new content.

    All I’m saying is that it’s more than I can read or process, and I find myself scrolling past to get onto things that aren’t news. I don’t have a problem with breaking news for being breaking news and I don’t have a preference for stale news, that’s not my point.

    You can keep doing things the same, it’s fine with me. I have no idea how time consuming this is for you, I’m just giving you my personal perspective, which may or may not match that of others.

    • Treevan 🇦🇺OPM
      11 months ago

      The problem with downvoting is that it’s a blunt tool with no nuance. It’s lazy, unhelpful, and doesn’t foster discussion.

      I don’t assume that anyone that comments would actually downvote, I’m just looking for some feedback. Usually the only way one can get feedback is if they say or do the wrong thing.

      You’ve made me think about some things, in another comment I wondered if a bi-weekly news thread roundup could be an option to reduce that load of posts. Without someone suggesting things like yourself, I may not have even considered it.

      It’s a full time job, in amongst my other full time job and hobbies, so yeah, the community devoted to sustainability isn’t sustainable. There has been a smattering of posts from others and that’s a start.

      I think with all the news about the state of the climate the world over, if a community like this (and others) doesn’t work to raise awareness and help foster some change in behaviours or voting patterns, the world is fucked.