If you have thoughts on what you would prefer to see in content or NOT to see, add a comment here (make an anonymous account if you want) and let me (the mod team) know.

Ideally, I would prefer users to talk about local issues to them rather than me adding mostly boring news content.

If you have local blogs, independent news, landcare or catchment groups, etc., post it so we can see. You can also add content to the list so we dont lose track of it.

  • Treevan 🇦🇺OPM
    11 months ago


    I wanted it to be educational but have slipped into news for regularity. A month ago I was posting whatever I could remember and perhaps new readers could post articles from whenever, if they are relevant. It’s also why I smashed it out so you could just scroll the pages, rather than a feed (while I was home injured from work).

    At some point, I think energy may be dropped if someone wants to add to another community, it’s fairly big topic with regular news. If you’ve looked at the thread where I add links, it’s getting longer so something will have to give.

    I suppose, like the other comment, I could just add news to one post to avoid saturation of feeds? Maybe not now but if the users of Lemmy grow?

    The summaries worked out well as search-lemmy.com picks up the body and adds greater weight to it. Dont trust them though, sometimes they are a mess.