Just a general thread about running. How’s your running going? What are you training for? Did you get new shoes? Sporting an injury etc…

  • sandalbucket@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Just got back from a week long work trip. I had everything I needed to run, except the mental game. I slept in. I did get a single late-night run in after the cigar bar; it sucked. Constant side stitches and cigar mouth made every inhale yucky.

    I got back yesterday, and cleaned some earbuds - did my first run with music. Managed to keep a sub-9 (8:55 is technically sub 9!) pace for an hour; did 6.75 miles. Having music is incredible for the mental game.

    Today I’ll try to do it again, and tomorrow is gear testing day. I’ll be the weirdest guy at the gym, running 10 miles on the treadmill at a steep incline with a backpack on. They’ll probably think I’m a prepper or something. At least I won’t have the altitude mask on lol