Bamboo has a few downsides, but environmentally speaking, it could change the game for sustainability in buildings. But why hasn’t a large-scale bamboo industry been considered for Australia?

“Bamboo can fit into the construction outlook by using laminated bamboo, and every bamboo species can be used for lamination; this means it’s not species-specific,” added Ms Miranda.

According to Miranda, bamboo imports to Australia only started in the 2000s by a small importer of flooring products.

“Planting bamboo alone can contribute to the Australian government’s agenda in reducing carbon emission by 2030 due to its fast growth, and then using the harvested culms for building products for locking the carbon longer may even contribute more to this reduction target.”

“We often hear misinformation about how new bamboo products are manufactured – this is what we are driving to change and asking the building industry to listen and learn that not all products are created equal.