What do you call an octopus tentaclejob?
Idk tell me!
Cephellatio 😁
Anything unrelated to elephants is irrelephant
Professor should know that it’s etymologically Greek, not Latin, so octopi is generally considered to be wrong.
Octopuses, or octopodes if you’re feeling badass, would be preferable afaik.
Octopuses, octopodes, and octopi are fine.
What about octopussies?
James Bond already did that one I think…
Right, when there is this much controversy over a plural there will never be a consensus, especially when it doesn’t actually matter. The truth is that as long as people understand what you mean it doesn’t matter what you use.
Octopodomorphs if you want to be inclusive.
Pus isn’t the Greek form so it’s neither here nor there. Octopus is an English word and as such can be pluralized in numerous ways. Octopodes is my favorite though.
Put some LSD in the tank.
(Okay, maybe just don’t do the LSD just for the octorave…)