Happy people before destruction by Zionists.
Happy people before destruction by Zionists.
BTW it’s Constantinople, not Istanbul.
Poor thing. Hardly uplifting news.
Yes. This is definitely also part of my disdain for them.
It’s a wildly variable thing I reckon, but this sort of thing where scum balls are given pride of place seems morally corrupt.
To be fair, I don’t know the plot so maybe they have a real redemptive arc.
Oh good. More glorification of violent idiots.
This is fucked. The pro-Israel lobby is out of control.
Israel is a failed experiment and should’ve been stopped 60 years ago.
I’m pretty realistic about knowing that the masses like tattoos, even though I hate them.
This is the forum for sharing those opinions, so here I am.
Tune in next week for “Status cars: only driven by narcissistic, attention-seeking, smooth-brained fuckwits”
That’s because they’re all inbred.
Ah wonderful. Genocide honoured again.
Margarine Taylor Greene needs to be beaten severely until she shuts the fuck up. She is an absolute waste of space and destroys valuable time that the government could be using to actually solve problems.
Not much use if all it does is spin around.
Kid’s got a thousand times more sense than his old man.
Woodchippers are really efficient at disposing of branches and logs.
Imagine what they could do to softer materials.
Could that prison be, like, underwater?
They COULD do a lot of things. Unlikely to however.
Yeah, nah, this is different.
I hate the US Sov Cit loonies, but this guy is righteous.
Besides, fuck the logging companies that destroy native forests.
Bollocks. Israel overstepped the mark 60+ years ago.
The fault entirely lies with them.
Israel is a failed experiment which should’ve been stopped decades ago.
This is the first post I’ve ever saved for consumption later.