I used to have a non-.au domain with Gandi because they had a reputation of doing things right and doing the right thing.
My problem now is getting an .au domain because it’s an extra $96 with them, apart from the domain fees.
Can you recommend me a good alternative that is also less-shady-than-the-average-big-company? Domain only, I already have hosting somewhere else.
I left that part ambiguous because to be frank I’m also not sure.
I guess my priorities are:
Easy: some sort of GUI in their webpage that allows me to change the DNS records my hosting company tells me to. Also being able to register a domain as an individual (I wanted to try ddns.com.au but their form seems to only accept entities with ABN?).
“Ethical”: my fees going to a company that checks a diffuse combination of, say, being local, promoting FOSS, using renewables, avoiding tax havens, any other “good traits” I might be forgetting about…
Thanks for the Ventra recommendation, I will check it out.
Edit. Looks like I was not paying attention to the ddns.com.au form, as there is an individual eligibility type. Edit 2. Changed DDNS to ddns.com.au to avoid confusion with “dynamic DNS”.
You need to be eligible to register a .com.au or .net.au domain, so you will need an ABN (even as an individual, i.e. sole trader).
You can register a .au domain without an ABN though.
From: https://www.auda.org.au/au-domain-names/domain-name-help/comau-and-netau-rules-eligibility-and-allocation
From: https://www.auda.org.au/policy/au-domain-administration-rules-licensing#2-4 :
Yes, I didn’t have a proper look at their registration form, they allow individuals. I’m a resident and it’s a direct .au I’m after.