My old xps13 is old in the tooth and the new ones have some things I don’t like. So I am after recommendations. My preferences

  • Linux (Ubuntu/Debian friendly). Happy to wipe and install and will check compatibility beforehand but if anyone has a Linux daily driver they love let me know
  • good CPU and decent RAM (32gb would be nice)
  • Lightweight - smaller preferred (currently on a 13" and happy)
  • Touchscreen would be nice
  • Usb-c
  • Decent battery life

I have access to other machines for heavy GPU stuff that’s not as important as CPU and RAM.


  • Programming/terminal use
  • Reading docs and papers
  • Watching movies etc
  • No gaming

That’s my wishlist. What do you suggest, Aussie tech friends?

  • Ilandar
    6 months ago

    Possibly Lenovo’s X1 Carbon series? I have a Gen 6 running Ubuntu. They keyboard feels amazing. but that model does suffer from battery drain issues so maybe look at others (you might want something newer anyway). I also have a W530, running Zorin OS. Still great for general usage after all these years though obviously too large, heavy and old for you.