• smeenz@lemmy.nz
      11 months ago

      Seems you’re the one who doesn’t understand what a rhetorical question is. Hint - it’s not what you retrospectively call a question when you get called out on your laziness.

      Nor is it rhetorical when you ask a question and then spend several lines going on about it, and making it clear that you really did want to talk about an answer.

        • 14th_cylon@lemm.ee
          11 months ago

          Why are you asking me?

          because you are the one who started it. people usually contribute information into public discussion with hope it will be useful to other readers.

          I’m not the one accusing others of “nOt rEaDiNg dA tHrEaD bEfOrE u AsKeD a qUeStOn”.

          no, you are the one AsKIng rHETOrIcal qUEsTioN 🤣

          No one has actually provided an on-topic reply to it yet.

          you were pointed to the fact that your questions were already answered and you can easily read these answers. that is as on topic as it can get.

          you chose weird hill to die on.