Renowned academic and author Noam Chomsky offers a thought-provoking exploration of the 10 principles that underlie the concentration of wealth and power, re...
Lots of good information. Explains many of our current issues
He has the political/economic mind of a 14 year old edgelord. He’s not an expert at all (in these subjects. He is a fantastic linguist) - he’s just a minor commie celebrity
Can you take the
CIA propagandacommie shit back toredditLemmygrad please?deleted by creator
Yes I have not only researched things said about Chomsky, I’ve read his books.
Chomsky is absolutely a genocide apologist. He also is an apologist for the Russian invasion of Ukraine
He has the political/economic mind of a 14 year old edgelord. He’s not an expert at all (in these subjects. He is a fantastic linguist) - he’s just a minor commie celebrity
deleted by creator
I’m sure that smart people existing here does make commies sad
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It’s not trolling if you mean it.