I try to keep the two as separate as possible, but I’d be lying if I said I found that easy. The biggest thing for me is faces, I really struggle to envisage the characters how they’re written in the book rather than how they look on the screen.

  • Odo@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    The show got me to read the books in the first place. After watching season 1, I had to know more, and spent the next several weeks tearing through the books. That led to looking up fan theories about various connections and hints that I’d missed. Between that extra knowledge and being so far ahead on the plot, I gave up on the show. Probably for the best, judging by reactions to the later seasons.

    I know what you mean about the faces, though. Book Tyrion’s face sounds so different from Peter Dinklage, but he’s so good in the role it’s hard not to imagine him instead.

    • Durrandon@geekdom.social
      1 year ago

      @Odo @Oneeightnine I had a pretty similar experience, tearing through the books between seasons 1 and 2. Reconciling Ian Glen’s charisma with the book version Mormont, creeping on a teenage girl, was hard too.