Is this new, or have online accounts never offered the ability to update your email address easily?

  • biscuitswalrus
    7 months ago

    Now I’m not part of this, but a international student just got scammed $170 000 dollars over 3 months. They believed that the police had seized their Australian bank account and were contacting them related to their identity being stolen. It wasn’t at the time of call, but the international student, maybe 25, was fully profiled. They knew where he studied, who they had been talking to. At the time of call, the poor kid thought he was talking to the police, gave every bit of information including bank account which had mfa, but undid it and and followed the scmmers requests believing he would be deported. He called home to his parents and asked them for more money even in order to build a new account because he believed is other one was frozen, the new account was under order and control of the scammer who this kid trusted. The scammer even made this kid move into a hotel for a week as their “premise needed to be searched” it wasn’t for a month after this that it was found because the kid believed he couldn’t tell anyone before the school (where he was attending but kept leaving to take calls which is a no no) had to tell the kid that absenteeism will result in the student visa being cancelled. At that point it all came out, month and more of being scammed.

    My point is, no it’s not business. Just look at the YouTubers, just watch Jim Browning. Just ask people, it’s a multi billion dollar industry. And it’s not limited to rules like ‘business’.