Despite LGBTQ people making up nearly one-fifth of all active gamers in the U.S., only 2 percent of all video games have LGBTQ storylines or characters, according to a new report from GLAAD. “We ar…
Hot take: I like the Mass Effect method of representation.
Like, let me play my character as kinda a blank slate but if I want to bang everything, let me. Man, woman, krogan, blue woman…
But also if the player doesn’t want it, fine too.
A good contender: Life is Strange. You have to purposely hit that romantic ending, which I didn’t know existed where my wife totally shipped the two gals.
i’d say yes and no… if you include heterosexual romance (and often games will, even the my wife, my husband, etc) then there shoild also be some amount of LGBTQIA+ representation across the industry…
“being able to” is 1 thing and should absolutely be the minimum, but seeing a storyline evolve that makes people see themselves is so much more powerful - it’s not a choice they’ve made, someone else has decided that it’s acceptable and normal, and is telling you a story
Hot take: I like the Mass Effect method of representation.
Like, let me play my character as kinda a blank slate but if I want to bang everything, let me. Man, woman, krogan, blue woman…
But also if the player doesn’t want it, fine too.
A good contender: Life is Strange. You have to purposely hit that romantic ending, which I didn’t know existed where my wife totally shipped the two gals.
i’d say yes and no… if you include heterosexual romance (and often games will, even the my wife, my husband, etc) then there shoild also be some amount of LGBTQIA+ representation across the industry…
“being able to” is 1 thing and should absolutely be the minimum, but seeing a storyline evolve that makes people see themselves is so much more powerful - it’s not a choice they’ve made, someone else has decided that it’s acceptable and normal, and is telling you a story
Huh? In the above situation you can be anything and love anything.
It’s a game, they have to build and script every single thing, so of course someone else had to decide what is acceptable.
a choice you make is different from a choice that someone else has made. seeing yourself represented means less when you choose for that to happen