yyyyyyyes but it’s also expensive and thoroughly weird when compared to the rest of the world… so whilst it does serve a legitimate purpose, it’s worth noting those points too
yyyyyyyes but it’s also expensive and thoroughly weird when compared to the rest of the world… so whilst it does serve a legitimate purpose, it’s worth noting those points too
to be fair, that one (afaik) is a legitimate training exercise. it’s useful to train pilots to be at an exact place, in an exact formation, at an exact speed, at an exact time… and if you can get marketing and morale out of it, welllll why not
i doubt it’d be for that: if it’s a malicious link, they can just remove the post/link from their platform and the same effect is achieved
best case scenario it’s planning for when atproto has more PDSes, front-ends, etc: in that case, a central place where all platform links go so that you can set your “home” server so that all links into atproto redirect to your home server
worst case it’s for tracking click through for advertising
that’s also for accessibility, etc so i wouldn’t pin it all on being malicious
you’re right that this is likely to be used for tracking crap, but i wouldn’t write off the concept as only for that
for example, home assistant has https://my.home-assistant.io/ where you can set your home assistant URL and doc links (etc) link there, and then that site in turn automatically redirects to the correct place on your local home assistant
this could be used similarly by the fediverse: imagine my.join-lemmy.org where lemmy instances you’re not logged into redirected you to, which then in turn redirects to your home instance… that way, links across the web to lemmy would automatically redirect to your home instance
perhaps it’s not something that’s worth the trade off - centralising in some ways - but in federated platforms on the web it’s far from a write-off
well at least you know my comment wasn’t written by AI 😞
the story is the exact same the world over:
it was entirely based on cost of course… that’s a no shit moment… public health is all about cost. it’s not cheap (about $1000 for the full course in australia), and the goal was to stop cervical cancer. it got changed a decade later because the stats came in about efficacy and they were higher than expected, and herd immunity was looking important
you’re straight up definitively wrong mate
i assume your complaint is that only girls got the HPV vaccine to start with… i’m not sure you understand the reasoning for that… the primary concern with HPV is that it led to cervical cancer… since only AFAB people…… have a cervix…. the vaccine didn’t protect against that risk and thus wasn’t a good initial investment given the stated goals
if you’re contribution is a paper that you don’t even proof read to ensure it makes any sense at all then your contribution isn’t “productive science”; it’s a waste of everyone’s time
australia doesn’t really have a lot of choices: we have a population the size of texas in an area almost the size of the whole US… there’s just no hope of protecting that without help
our only bargaining chips are: space, location, and the huge amount of natural resources
do you always revert to xenophobia and personal attacks when someone shows a different point of view?
big “‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens” vibes there
that’s correct - i’m 100% certain the police will not shoot and kill me
the power imbalance is kinda the point… there’s no good reason for the cops to pull their gun, so it’s a big deal when it happens… a few years ago the cops drew their service weapons and fired a taser in the middle of the melbourne CBD and it made national news
drawing a gun, let alone firing 1 is just so incredibly unnecessary that it’s a huge deal if it ever happens, whether it’s warranted or not… there’s literally no excuse - it’s just so unlikely that it’s “self defence” that “i thought they had a weapon” is never valid… there’s paperwork involved any time a gun is drawn, and way more any time 1 is fired
it’s not an implicit trust, it’s removing excuses as an option and trust that the country takes anything gun related extremely seriously… most aussies i know have a similar feeling toward guns as i do - what the fuck, this scares the shit out of me, because guns should be scary, and we don’t want them anywhere around us - police included
wow yes how was my spelling that wrong and can i blame auto correct?
okay i’m pretty happy over here without guns and i hope to never ever ever be close to one in my life
people are crazy and i don’t want people around me to have access to that ever
more likely a reference to someone being the 1 person you go to for a particular part of the codebase like they own it
that particular point likely refers to the fact that he prefers shared ownership: ie nobody should be “the one you go to for X part of the codebase”
works great in australia too! so now you have 2 examples in real life that prove that argument invalid
Resource not found Data not found (client error). Data not found (server error)
they are all the same thing; there is no useful, practical distinction between them
if we request a list of objects and nothing was found, because we asked for a date when there was no data, its not an error. But i suppose many still just throw around exceptions still instead of handle them properly
it’s an empty array: not found when requesting something specific is an error… that’s different to here is the complete set of 0 objects… like like if you have an array and request an index that doesn’t exist you get an exception, but that doesn’t mean an empty array is exceptional: it is in fact very valid
using an error code for a non-error
well, it is an error though. you have requested a URI for an object that doesn’t exist: it doesn’t matter whether it’s a resource or an individual thing
remember that HTTP youre asking the server for some object matching a URI: please give me the object matching /users/bananoidandroid and /userssssss/bananoidandroid may both not be found for the exact same reason: the object referenced by that string does not exist
here’s the spec definition for 404
The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent. The 410 (Gone) status code SHOULD be used if the server knows, through some internally configurable mechanism, that an old resource is permanently unavailable and has no forwarding address. This status code is commonly used when the server does not wish to reveal exactly why the request has been refused, or when no other response is applicable.
when you’re dealing with specs, deciding not to follow them because you feel like they’re wrong is not appropriate… this leads to bugs and issues in compliant tools because they make assumptions about what things mean
200 means the thing that you asked completed successfully
here’s the definition of 200:
The request has succeeded. The information returned with the response is dependent on the method used in the request, for example:
GET an entity corresponding to the requested resource is sent in the response;
HEAD the entity-header fields corresponding to the requested resource are sent in the response without any message-body;
POST an entity describing or containing the result of the action;
TRACE an entity containing the request message as received by the end server.
*edit: when talking about compliant, standard tools the classic example is transparent cache: a GET should not transform the resource and thus a GET with response of 200 can be cached… an API that uses a GET to modify a resource may cause transparent proxies (or CDNs) to significantly mishandle the user request… same goes for 200 vs 4xx and 5xx: proxies know that 200 means what it means and may cache based on that, where 5xx should never be cached and 4xx is probably dependant on which specific 4xx
not at all - they’re all exactly the same… i’m just noting that there are reasons to do them beyond only propaganda and nationalism