The gender gap is growing between supporters of President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll of registered voters.
And that’s good news for the Democratic incumbent: Biden holds a slight lead over Trump in Wednesday’s 2024 presidential election poll, 50 percent to 44 percent. The same matchup was “too close to call” just a month ago.
More women said they would support Biden over Trump in this latest survey, with 58 percent backing Biden and 36 percent backing Trump. Last month, the Quinnipiac poll found 53 percent of women supported the incumbent Democrat, compared to 41 percent for the Republican challenger.
The numbers were relatively unchanged for men — 53 percent of men said they’d vote for Trump and 42 percent chose Biden in the latest poll, compared to 51 percent for Biden and 41 percent for Trump in December.
Anyone remember that African country, or maybe it was a tribe, where the women, ALL of them, refused sex until peace was made? LOL, that shit was done and over in a week. Can y’all women get that going in America?
Having dated heavily in the last few years, I’m seeing it here. (For context, I’m a liberal man in a conservative area.)
I was on 6 dating sites. Hell, throw some poles in the water if you want to catch fish, right? Many women had “no MAGA” straight in their profile. But women, generally being more polite than men, mostly said “no politics”. “No politics” turned out to mean, no MAGA.
Talking to a girl I later dated, “I’m kind of a redneck.”
“…uh… Exactly how redneck?”
“I fucking loathe Trump if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Oh. WHEW! Sorry, just had to get that out of the way.”
Play an interesting first-date game? Ask about the craziest date they’ve been on. My god. The abusive conservatives I’ve been schooled about. Guys fighting politics on the first date! Calling the woman names, bitching her out, all that. I could go on for ages.
tl;dr Women: Don’t date conservatives. Cut them off.
It was a Greek play by Aristophenes called Lysistrata, from 431 BC.
There’s a Greek play by Aristophanes called Lysistrata that has a plot like that. Spike Lee made the movie Chi-raq based on it.
I am truly shocked Trump is getting that much support. It is disgusting as I am near certain most of these voters would never want to live in places like China or North Korea, yet here they are voting for that oppression. Sure a small percentage of them will benefit greatly, but most will suffer when leadership is as narcissistic and self serving as Trump. Insane.
It is disgusting as I am near certain most of these voters would never want to live in places like China or North Korea, yet here they are voting for that oppression.
Remind me which party is doing their best to get rid of free speech and prosecuting their main political rival again?
Republicans are the ones calling for censorship? Republicans were the ones that started cancel cul…sorry - “holding people accountable”? Republicans are the ones prosecuting their main political rival currently?
Don’t break the law, or start an insurrection. That was too hard for Trump though. Trump has also claimed he’ll be a dictator for just one day.
Trump has also claimed he’ll be a dictator for just one day.
You guys cling to this very obvious joke like he was serious 🤣
Not very funny when he literally started a coup.
Literally didn’t, but never let the truth get in the way of a good lie, right?
Lol Jan 6 people were only there for a tour? All the fake electors him and his team recruited were as a joke? Don’t let the truth get in the way of a bad lie man.
They weren’t there to overthrow the government, that’s for sure. Not a single gun, no hostages taken, no demands…just selfies.
The numbers were relatively unchanged for men — 53 percent of men said they’d vote for Trump and 42 percent chose Biden in the latest poll, compared to 51 percent for Biden and 41 percent for Trump in December.
This has to be a typo… right?
Edit: From the linked study, the accurate version:
Men 53 - 42 percent support Trump, largely unchanged from December when it was 51 - 41 percent.
deleted by creator
It increasingly feels like Gen Z men and women are living on different planets
It’s true what they say, women are from Omicron Persei VII, and men are from Omicron Persei IX.
I suspect a whole lot of young women learned that it wasn’t abstract, but their own mothers had suffered assaults and abuse. Used to be moms didn’t talk about it at all with their kids. But during MeToo they talked about it with their daughters but not their sons. I watched it happen in my own house.
Not all that surprising IMO, many issues that are considered “Men’s Rights” issues are rarely used as more than just fodder for bitching and moaning, because the second anyone talks solutions, they end up moving towards feminism and dismantling patriarchy.
As for what issues could animate them that aren’t specific to manly stuff, climate change has proven to be important to Gen Z but a lot more as a looming spectre of forthcoming death rather than as a political crisis that needs and inspires action. The zoomer doomers basically see climate change the way their boomer parents see the return of Christ.
many issues that are considered “Men’s Rights” issues are rarely used as more than just fodder for bitching and moaning
I found this very demeaning. Just because bad actors are the loudest doesn’t mean the issues aren’t valid.
because the second anyone talks solutions, they end up moving towards feminism and dismantling patriarchy.
How exactly?
No ot does mean it’s not valid, because said issues are all literally just patriarchy, and yet whenever they’re discussed in the context of men’s rights it’s always in the context of just trying to make the feminists shut up about feminism because “see it’s bad for us too!” before then sitting back as if that helped anything.
Men not being able to express emotion? Patriarchy. Men having to be breadwinners? Patriarchy. Men being typecast for manual labor? Patriarchy. Men not being trusted with children? Patriarchy. Men not being believed when they speak out about DV? Patriarchy. Men being ridiculed when they act as a homemaker spouse or stay at home parent? Patriarchy.
Trying to talk about men’s rights in opposition to feminism is impossible to do in good faith because either you’re intentionally trying to shut down discussion of the actual issue at hand, toxic symptoms of patriarchal oppression, or you’re a fucking moron so incapable of seeing the issues that your participation in the discussion is an active detriment to other participants in the conversation.
Men’s rights kvetchers never discuss solutions, they just try to bring up ways patriarchy is bad for them too without acknowledging it’s patriarchy so they can tell feminists to shut up as if that addresses anything, and then sit down without proposing solutions, because any solutions would involve dismantling patriarchy, and they literally just went to all the trouble of shutting up the feminist trying to do that.
Trying to talk about men’s rights in opposition to feminism is impossible to do in good faith because either you’re intentionally trying to shut down discussion of the actual issue at hand, toxic symptoms of patriarchal oppression, or you’re a fucking moron so incapable of seeing the issues that your participation in the discussion is an active detriment to other participants in the conversation.
Yeah it’s definitely men’s fault they’re incapable of having a nuanced conversation with you…
I think most guy issues are that women have advantages in things. Like keeping kids. Domestic violence being a male only thing. Get leg up in work. Doing better in education. While not also dealing with the all men are bastards stuff and that all men need to do better (women are perfect though). Men opening up to women and women using that against them. Men needing to earn more. Men not allowed their own spaces or charity.
But that doesn’t fit the narrative does it?
The narrative is all men’s issues come from men.
Assuming the mother is the better caregiver by default is part of patriarchy but sure
Assuming women can’t be violent is also part of patriarchy but sure
Since when is being soft fired for being a risk for maternity leave a leg up?
You mean the phenomena where women have to excel in academics for gainful employment while men are always reminded they can just do trades instead?
If every woman you meet is telling you all men are bastards, they might just feel unsafe telling you specifically to stop being a bastard.
Once again, you’re raising an issue with a part of patriarchy, that men must all be stoic and cannot show emotion.
Yet again, you’re raising issues with patriarchy, that men must be the breadwinners.
The fact that you suck at research is not the disproving of feminist critique of patriarchy that you think it is.
And again I iterate, what solutions do you propose? You didn’t actually address what I said, that supposed Men’s Rights issues are just fodder to bitch moan and declare “checkmate feminists!” Before sitting back as if that solved anything.
Well seeing as a lot of the issues are with women I think it is largely up to them to sort their shit out. I don’t think as a man I should be responsible for improving women. But if you wanted me to I would think there needs to be some education probably starting in school. Additionally I think equality laws need to be better inforced as is doesn’t seem equal.
Addressing your points individually. So if women are the main advocate of saying women make better care givers how is that mens fault. How should men address this issue that is belief is most propagated by women?
Again women mostly propagate this. How should we educated women that they also have issues. How can we let men talk about this issues without women laughing at them or immediately siding with women and spreading that around?
It’s not. What I am referring to is how 80% of applications can be male. But 50% of the workers need to be female. But this is only for high earning male dominated fields like engineering. Children who surely must have no responsibility in sexism are sexistly discrimated against when girls get STEM clubs or funding or help but boys to not.
Look I’m if you going to push women into ideal jobs I can get behind getting more women into trade and or picking up garbage. There is a big push to getting more women into trades I know, I’ve talked to recrutiers and women in engineering. It seems like companies are desperate to hire them because they are women not because they are good at the job. I have even been told the next person in a job will be a women. That’s unfair to men. No one should get a job just because of their sex. I personally belive that the best person for the job should get the job. If 80% of people with a degree in x are sex A then they industry, statistically, should take 80% of sex A for that job. But it isn’t like that. The only exceptions I believe is teachers should be 50:50 male:female. Turns out because men are underrepresented in this area it doesn’t matter.
You’re making a jump here. All is an exaggerating but it does happen “guys only care about sex” “guys are dicks” Etc etc. I’ve actually been told be a lot of girls, friends, housemates gfs they feel safe around me. Random women I just met also frequently ask me for help. But it doesn’t mean they don’t make out the whole sex is terrible and they we are all responsible.
Men can show emotion, to other men. Then it’s fine. Do me a favour go on somewhere like reddit and read “what happened when you opened up to women?”. Women push guys to be emotional then dump them or ridicule them for being emotional. How are men meant to fix that issue that is arriving from women? If we can only get relationships and be treated with respect by acting a certain way then that’s all we can do.
Yet women don’t want men that aren’t breadwinners. Guys done care how much their friends earn, women do.
It’s a difficult issue to fix for sure. I guess I’m in the raising awareness phase. Trying to get women to understand. But unfortunately they don’t seem to want to listen. They just think everything wrong with the world is because of men and women do no wrong.
I think when I can I’m going to go home I might write to the govement about certain issues. I doubt it will do anything but I might try. I’m considering serting up something about men only spaces. I really feel big on that but it’s illegal so I might have to get some outreach. I’m also going to go to a country where they aren’t illegal so I’m going to get some first hand experience.
I’m mulling over a book idea in my head that will address some of these points. But I have a lot of my plate right now, I don’t like writing, in dyslexic and there are millions of books out there. So I doubt this will come to anything.
What solutions do you propose? All you have done is stated issues are due to “the patriarchy” like its some sort of shadow government pulling strings behind the scenes.
There was not a single issue that young men cared about significantly more than young women
I bet they could change that by asking about “ethics in journalism and media,” or some such because fucking GamerGate did some severe psychological damage to a whole generation of middle school boys when they were at a vulnerable place in their development and we’re just now realizing the scope of that
Did you respond to the wrong question? He asked if the numbers posted showing a much larger shift from Biden in the lead to Trump now in the lead for men, preceded by the statement that there was not as much a shift in men as there was in women. Then you go on about Gen Z.
Yes, that’s wrong.
Biden holds a lead among all registered voters 50% to Trump’s 44%, and Trump has held a largely unchanged male-voter lead over Biden that went from 51-41 to 53-42 in favor of trump since last month
Thank you, I read sentence repeatedly trying to figure out how the numbers flip flopping was relatively unchanged and trying to figure out what I was missing.
I find this odd. A study came out last year (iirc) that found that, as Americans get older, a greater percentage of each age cohort becomes more conservative. It was particularly interesting because each generation exhibited the trend at the same rate - just offset by the age differences.
However millennials broke the trend, becoming more liberal as they got older, and Gen Z even more so.
I’d have to look at the details of the two studies to come to any conclusions as to what’s driving the different findings.
For me, a single data point, my GenX ass has become more liberal.
Seemed getting more conservative with age was a perfectly normal thing. You got more experience in life, can see more nuanced views, fight back against change that might have unintended consequences. I get it. Or at least I did get it…
What rates as conservative vs. liberal has changed drastically over the last decade or two. LOL, I call myself wildly liberal, but for a 20-something me, I’d have been a raging conservative in the 90s.
Anyway, power to the youth. I trust you guys, I believe in you, you’re my kid’s future.
Now can you take your happy ass to the polls? Pretty please with sugar on top? Get off your ass and save the world?
Same here - that’s why I was surprised by that result for Gen X.
I don’t usually associate conservatives with having more nuanced views, though. Think about all the pushback on diversity programs and CRT. I think that nuanced thought is largely an effect of education, where you learn more facts as well as how to think through problems.
Gen Xer checking in, and anecdotally: conservatives have always seemed like very, very creepy weirdos. Failed, milquetoastian supervillain wannabes who went to church but were super the devil. I’ve never understood how so many get sucked in with crocodile tears and pearl clutching. 10 year old me in 1986 hated their fake asses and I still do today, with burning, searing intensity. I think it’s the disingenuousness that is so odious to me, especially used in service of a deeply evil agenda.
Same. To the letter.
Media: who?
They’re still consistent, young men are still overall way more liberal/left leaning than the ordinary generational shift, it’s just that young women have departed much further much faster since Dobbs has created a massive call to action that young women are VERY motivated by while young men haven’t had that watershed moment that drives them to really act against the system.
If it was like, “each state gets to set limits on how many times you can have sex or jack off in a month because it kills fetuses”, guys everywhere would be in a rage.
I can’t figure out how women can still support the Republicans after they took their rights away.
Unless you had an enforcement mechanism, those guys would love the fuck out of it and claim that they never masturbate anyway. But come up with a way to prove they are lying and then they’ll be up in arms over such an invasion of privacy.
come up with a way to prove they are lying
Considering which states would be prone to pass anti masturbation laws, that method of proof would probably be based on skin colour.
Porn bans and requiring ID to view porn. I bet that could do it.
I totally agree, but the study I read was pre-Dobbs, I believe. It was a longitudinal study so the data in the study was absolutely pre-Dobbs and went back through the 50s or so. Sorry - it’s been a while and the thing that stuck with me the most was the line graph.
False correlation, generations don’t become more conservative as they get older, they get more conservative as they amass weath.
The trend breaking just shows that the newer generations are getting screwed over
Or the definitions of what it means to be conservative or liberal have changed, and that’s altered the conscious and subconscious calculus for people.
I would also add the ratcheting up of political identity as personal identity, and an intensification of tribalism.
Then again, that’s all tied up in my own confirmation bias.
Was gonna say the same, as I remember reading a study a few years back that came to this conclusion. They found no direct correlation between age and shifting political opinions, but that as people accumulated wealth, they were more likely to become more conservative.
Basically, when people start benefitting from the system, they stop wanting that system to change.
I was not implying otherwise - not intentionally at least. I do think wealth has a lot to do with it. However, there’s also a developing fear of change as people get older (so becoming conservative in the classical sense of the word in terms of not wanting things to change), and if I recall correctly there’s increases in things like religiosity as well. I’m not aware of anyone who looked at the aging effect on things like racism, etc., but I wouldn’t be surprised. My father, who was a Republican, used to say that a conservative was a liberal who’d gotten mugged.
I think the new consensus is that generations don’t trend conservative, but deaths trend liberal. People in need of healthcare tend to vote democratic - but people in need of healthcare also die at higher rates then the general population. Married people tend to live longer, and until gay marriage was legalized, that meant gay people lived shorter lives. Conservatives tend to be more afraid of things, which until they became afraid of COVID vaccines, made them more cautious and live longer. This is just but a handful of things that recently turned around and equalized the death rates.
I’m not sure about that. For one the trend towards conservative manifests itself way before death rates are a significant factor. Plus, none of that explains women who live longer.
No, it’s much simpler. Traditionally older people skew conservative because… well they simply want to conserve the past. It’s just straight up inertia. Nothing complicated about it.
Here’s the thing though: Republicans are not conservative. They do not want status quo. They are regressive. They want to completely reform the system from the ground up in their own vision. They have realized that the status quo is leaving them behind, and the only way for the system to work for them is to take it back by force, with new oppressive policies. Authoritarianism. Discrimination.
Anyway, support for regressive policies are not explained by inertia, for it is an opposite force. Which explains why this is no longer a generational divide. I think other factors are just minor details by comparison. The fact that these regressive policies discriminate against women, for example, is the new divide.
If anything I would speculate that it’s actually because people tend to accrue wealth as they get older and millennials are the first generation that’s really struggling to do that.
Can we just subjugate all the men already? I mean, that is our evil long game after all… /s
Yet again I am ashamed to share a gender with men.
Which one of them is transitioning?
The numbers were relatively unchanged for men — 53 percent of men said they’d vote for Trump and 42 percent chose Biden in the latest poll, compared to 51 percent for Biden and 41 percent for Trump in December.
They’ve either got the names around the wrong way in the last bit, or their definition of “relatively unchanged” is very different to mine.