As per the results of the poll held on the mortatorium of SRL opinion related articles, these posts will NOT be prohibited.

The voting comment recorded a total of 2 upvotes to 1 downvote, leaving the overall score at +1. There was also 1 downvote cast on the poll post itself, however as I can’t verify whether this was an opposing vote, expressing a dislike on the poll being held at all, or somebody trying to cast 2 opposing votes, this vote will not be counted.

My person vote on this would’ve been oppose, however that would end up bring us to a tie, so I retracted my vote and decided to abstain.

Note: I will still not be posting SRL opinion pieces unless I think it adds a unique perspective to the situation. However, anybody who wishes to post such articles is permitted to do so provided it follows the sitewide rules.

A new poll may be held in the future should enough community disagreement be voiced. You are always welcome to message me if you have any concerns about the community.

Screenshot of voting comment: