The other day I jokingly referred to Starfield’s aesthetic as “what if all old pulp sci-fi art had all been drawn by Normal Rockwell,” and I fear that lathed into existence a type of guy who is really into making that nightmarish what-if a reality.
He’s not even the only one, either! (NSFW)
“I really wish weird old sci-fi/fantasy art was more focused on manifest destiny, togas, and middle aged men who stare vacantly into the distance.”
I guess this isn’t the worst kind of AI art guy, but at the same time I’m immediately very sus of anyone who actually likes Norman Rockwell and immediately associate them with the author of Made in Abyss who cites Rockwell as a huge inspiration for him.
i have so many ai art comms blocked on lemmy
Stable diffusion is a fun toy/dangerously addictive skinner box that mainlines psychic damage directly into one’s brain, but “showing off a neat thing one managed to tease out of the inscrutable machine” is at best like bragging about the plot of a dream one had.