Philip Agee, born on 19th of january in 1935, was an ex-CIA officer who became a prominent critic of CIA policies, detailing his experiences in the text “Inside the Company: CIA Diary”. Agee ultimately defected to Cuba, dying there in 2008.

Philip Agee (1935 - 2008) served as a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer for eight years, joining the organization in 1960. He was assigned posts in Montevideo, Mexico City, and Quito, Ecuador.

Agee resigned from the CIA in 1968 following the Tlatelolco massacre in Mexico City, in which the U.S.-supported government engaged in mass shootings and arrests of a crowd of more than ten thousand protesters. The same massacre also played a role in the political radicalization of Subcomandante Marcos of the Zapatistas.

Agee moved to London and published “Inside the Company”, a tell-all text that, among other things, detailed his work in spying on diplomats, engaging in illegal activity to force a diplomatic break between Ecuador and Cuba, naming President José Figueres Ferrer of Costa Rica, President Luis Echeverría Álvarez of Mexico, and President Alfonso López Michelsen of Colombia as CIA collaborators, and exposing the identities of dozens of CIA agents.

For the exposure of agents, Agee was expelled from the United Kingdom. Agee was also eventually expelled from the Netherlands, France, West Germany and Italy, and was compelled to live under a series of socialist governments - Grenada under Maurice Bishop, then Nicaragua under the Sandinistas, and finally Cuba under Castro. Agee died in Cuba in January 2008.

"I don’t think we have ever had real democracy in this country. Anyone who studies adoption of the constitution will understand quite clearly that; democracy - as we understand that on today; was the last thing the founding fathers had in mind when they wrote the constitution…it was: to establish strong central authority responding the elitist interests in United States.

That’s private property. And those men who wrote the constitution were representatives of the elites. They were the lawyers, bankers, merchants, the land owners, slave owners and so forth. And they write the constitution for their own private interest$. That is how government has served ever since. And that is why we have so little democracy in United States."

  • Philip Agee

Inside the Company: CIA Diary cia

Philip Agee - spartacus educational

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  • AlpineSteakHouse [any]
    6 months ago

    Is powdered peanut butter worth it as opposed to the regular stuff?

    It seems to be nearly twice is as expensive per serving but it also has 1/4th of the calories. Of course, I want the fatty peanut goodness in my oatmeal but I don’t want the fatty fat calories.

    • WashedAnus [he/him]
      6 months ago

      Depends on what you use it for. You can make some good backpacking meals with it and it won’t get rancid like regular peanut butter would (due to the oil). If you have a sealed packet of oil you can then add that and get those fat calories. If you want to avoid the fat from the oil, then it’s probably worth it IMO.

    • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
      6 months ago

      i got some that has extra protein. Tasted like shit, but it’s fine if you want a healthy snacc. You can make pbish cookies or put in shakes and stuff like that

    • voight [he/him, any]
      6 months ago

      Not rly abt per serving but per gram.

      Yes, once all the fat is removed to go fry chips etc, the remainder is 50% protein by weight, the rest being legume carbs and fiber, it has loads of iron and potassium, it’s a miracle food. It tastes delicious in shakes. I mix it with 90% soy isolate & fruit & psyllium or dextrin or flax. Also coconut water is rly good at mixing and fixes the flavor of stuff. Don’t buy powders that have sucralose and lots of lactose (if you like to eat a lot of serum albumin or whatever it’s called, for some reason) in them even if u don’t care about cancer, or you’ll find out why.

      Cocoa powder is also obviously a home run with this stuff and doesn’t even have bad macros itself. Coconut water pb powder cocoa soy isolate and a banana is decadent shit

      Compare this with pea protein powder which is often marketed to vegans marked up too much it has no green sprouty flavor for like 5/6th the protein and more delicious legume carbohydrates

      Ironically walmart is the only brand I saw without tons of simple sugars.