Yeah but Jim Caviezal is nuttier than squirrel turds. Why do we care what he says?
Being aware what the radicalized right is saying is important.
It’s basically the same thing you would expect a crazy homeless guy to be screaming on a street corner. “The Jews have space lasers!” “Drag queens are coming for your children!” “Repent! Repent! Repent!”
It’s all the same thing over and over again. My honest opinion is stop giving these psychos the time of day. Sure it won’t fix the problem today, but nothing will. However we should not give them the time of day and treat them like they’re off their rocker because they are. We should stop giving them a platform to say their crazy thoughts
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I like to keep faith that there are still some in-betweeners that need a simple sway to one direction to see reason. And coming from a southern baptist background is that they are hyper critical of who plays their lord and savior and who says what can tarnish the lord and saviors name. Anyone who crosses that line might as well break the seven seals themselves cause boy, are they damned
Holy shit, does he pay people to say this stuff, because the alternative is a level of brain washing Scientology would be proud of.
Caviezel is a true believer, Qanon all the way. He’s spoken at conventions and stuff.
The only red ‘C’ he is parting, is some ginger stripper’s.
This is the garbage that conservatives are being told and forced to believe or they will be shunned by their fellow conservative. You are required to believe it all or you are out.
Dammit Jim! Don’t make me start disliking Person of Interest…
Yea that show is pretty good considering, and I kinda liked Jim in that, so this has been disappointing lol.
I have about lost all hope for humanity tbh. Thanks Jim.
To be fair, he was a robotic psycho killer in that show. He just happened to be on the right side.
Can we skip to the part where he and his followers wander in the desert for 40 years.