They always give you a scare since it looks like Windows is booting into a recovery environment. Just had one, and the only options I had were “Remind me in 3 days” and “Continue”.

It’s always about Microsoft wanting you to set Edge as your default browser as well as trying to get you to log in on a Microsoft account and you have to individually decline every suggestion since you can’t just skip the fucking thing.

Piss off, Microsoft

  • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
    1 year ago

    mfw Windows still doesn’t come with a package manager

    mfw you still can’t remap hotkeys with OOTB Windows

    mfw you can’t move the taskbar to the side of the screen without using regedit

    mfw you can’t move files to another directory by dropping the files from one tab to another

    mfw right-clicking gives you a useless menu that nobody uses

    • PigPoopBallsDotJPG [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      mfw Windows still doesn’t come with a package manager

      I’m not a Windows-head (never owned a Windows PC), but MSI’s seem to quack and waggle like a package. If you mean “they don’t have a central repository”, yeah, unless if you count their appstore or whatever they call it.