Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapoā€™s latest diatribe against COVID-19 vaccines took on a religious bent Thursday when he told far-right podcast host Steve Bannon that the inoculations are the ā€œAntichrist of all products.ā€

A day after the Ron DeSantis appointee called for the end of mRNA vaccines because he believed they could harm DNAā€”a claim that experts have debunkedā€”Ladapo reiterated his baseless contentions to Bannon.

ā€œI think it probably does have some integration at some levels with the human genome,ā€ Ladapo said on the War Room podcast, ā€œbecause these vaccines are honestlyā€”theyā€™re the Antichrist of all products. So I think it probably does. But Iā€™m not saying it does.ā€