After being missing for 5 days, we have called off the search for sydbot.
RIP, little buddy. Hope you and your other bot friends are beeping and boopiing in bot heaven
Glory to SydBot. May your one’s and zero’s find everlasting peace.
Does anyone know who created sydbot?
Yeah I did. Do you want to take a shot at reviving sydbot? It’s just this code created by I can hand over the sydbot account details if you like. I have tried poking sydbot a few times but I’m hitting a very simple brick wall that will explode my mind when I realise how dumb I was for not figuring it out beforehand.
Yeah maybe I’ll have time this evening or over the weekend.
omg, if sydbot arises on the third day of his death…
it might just start skynet…
If you nice people get stuck, let me know - maybe I can help?
What’s everyone’s plans for the weekend? Wasn’t someone getting married? That reminds me, I had a dream last night about getting married and having a pretty cool wedding ring.
Looks like it might be dry over the weekend, so catch up on yard maintenance and house cleaning hooray
Got tickets to Oppenheimer tomorrow!
Is no-one Barbenheimer-ing? Sounds like a good time, and I think I’ll try it next weekend.
My daughter (MissGod) came with me to Oppenheimer and immediately walked next door afterwards to see Barbie with my wife(MrsGod)
I’m interested in watching both, but probably not back to back. And my partner is more interested in Oppenheimer so we’re doing that one first.
Yeah we are going to try to if we can find somewhere it’s not going to cost an arm and a leg.
Went to Oppenheimer last night.
Have today off, headed out to Beechworth (small country town 3 hours drive) just a lazy weekend getaway.
Currently at AusVis bakery getting 2x eggnbacon rolls and strong cap.🤠
Thoughts on Oppenheimer?
Worth the price of admission 8.4/10
I didn’t really care about Oppenheimer as a historical figure however the story was engaging enough to get me excited about researching this time in history now. The only reason I wanted to see it was because of Nolan and he once again managed to make another fantastic film; if a bit lengthy. The legal proceedings in act three kind of dragged on and the momentum was lost. Would I watch again? Unequivocally yes. 8.4/10
I’m interested, but worried that it might be a bit depressing. Is it dark ?
Or should I just go see Barbie?
I don’t know what you consider dark? So I say just go to Barbie. Life too short to depress yourself. By all accounts, Barbie is a fun and decent movie.