The watchdog groups contend the actions Ellis admitted to — namely making false statements to foster suspicion of President Joe Biden’s victory — violated her oath as an attorney to uphold the law.

They also argue Ellis’ actions since pleading guilty prove she’s not yet accepted responsibility.

“At her allocution in Georgia, she attempted to cast her criminal conduct as a mere failure to conduct due diligence,” the groups write.

“These statements elide her more than a decade of experience as a barred attorney and fall far short of demonstrating the type of contrition that would warrant lesser discipline.”

    3 months ago

    The legal challenges facing Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis, including calls for her disbarment, highlight the importance of accountability in the legal profession. Lawyers must uphold the highest ethical standards to maintain public trust. This situation also underscores the necessity of understanding and defending one’s rights in complex legal scenarios. For students, knowing about UCLA Title 9 is crucial as it ensures protection against discrimination and misconduct on campus. Having access to resources like Title IX Defense Lawyers can be vital in safeguarding one’s future. It’s a reminder that legal integrity and the right to a fair defense are fundamental in any justice system.