President Joe Biden said Tuesday Israel’s prime minister needs to change his hardline government and support for the country’s military campaign is waning amid heavy bombardment of Gaza. … “This is the most conservative government in Israel’s history,” Biden said, adding that the Israeli government “doesn’t want a two-state solution.”

It’s mind-blowing how thoroughly Netanyahu has bungled this. They had damn near the entire world in full support after Hamas’ horrific attack on Israeli civilians, and they’ve managed to lose it.

    11 months ago

    Like every other time a headline makes it sound like Biden is criticizing Israel’s government, that’s not what this is.

    “We’ll continue to provide military assistance to Israel until they get rid of Hamas, but we have to be careful – they have to be careful,” Biden said. “The whole world’s public opinion can shift overnight, we can’t let that happen.”

    For literal decades now Biden has been telling Israel that they need to pay attention to optics if they want support to continue.

    It’s never a threat, because Biden always pledges support no matter what.

    He doesn’t have any issues with Israels actions over there. He’s just worried the governments of other countries may face pressure from their citizens to stop funding genocides.

    He doesn’t want the genocide to stop, he wants Israel to be discrete and maintain plausible deniability

        11 months ago

        He’s about as progressive as can be without losing a national election.

        What’s the last democrat who ran a progressive general campaign?

        Obama was the closest we’ve had in decades, and he flipped a shit ton of “red” states despite the undeniable amount of racism he faced.

        His second term after people found out he wasn’t really a progressive?

        Much tighter race.

        Progressives tend to lose in the primary, you know, “private affair by a private party” that party leaders can influence as much as they want because the whole thing isn’t even technically an election.

        So anyone that just keeps repeating “a progressive can’t win a general” doesn’t actually know. They’re just repeating the bullshit that moderate politicians tell them. And of course they’re gonna say that, if we start sending progressives to generals and they start winning…

        People are going to start asking out loud why we waste a dem cycle with a moderate who’s unwilling to tax the rich, which would solve the vast amount of our countries issues.