Before all the normies heard of reddit, before the mods became ultra special etc etc etc. Feels the same again man! *Strive to teach and help each other fellow Kiwis who all live on these islands we call home. Peace
Before all the normies heard of reddit, before the mods became ultra special etc etc etc. Feels the same again man! *Strive to teach and help each other fellow Kiwis who all live on these islands we call home. Peace
I don’t mind these topics, I think we need real life meetings, not people online who ask “hey has anyone else feel the same way as I do, regarding __________”. If people feel the urge to get this out of their system, they need to do it offline. Supermarket posts need to go into a cancer category. Some topics just crop up every week or month, and there should be a board called cancer, for this purpose. Some of these topics (usually people’s frustrations) wear my patience, but I want to support those people if I can.