Despite the lack of an inbuilt spell-check to cover up my sausage fingers, this seems like a cool space to be in. Open source social media, wow. I came here from r/nz, and I gotta say, I’ve become pretty apathetic towards the corporate greed and data harvesting that has become the staple of most sites. It wasn’t until I saw a bunch of buzz about this place on reddit that I even knew about it.

I guess I’d always assumed that the future of social media, and the internet in general, would be something closely resembling Orwell or P.K Dick’s dystopias. Maybe this open source thing is a nice branch of the path, and even if it isn’t, its nice to be here at, what seems to me, to be a pivotal point in history. Kia kaha everyone, hope you’re all doing well.

    1 year ago

    I’m not entirely sure what I’m doing, having heard of Lemmy (this Lemmy) for the first time only 10 minutes ago, but I confess to a childlike excitement and a quiet enthusiasm for this and what it represents. Off to a midwinter bbq/birthday now, but I will look forward to working out how this all works and how to contribute over the coming days. Thanks for hosting/setting this all up!

      1 year ago

      i’ve been using it for almost a day now and it feels a lot like the “wild west” - whole bunch of new things but mixed with things I’m used to (what with many folks fleeing reddit, myself included).

      so it’s winter there? it’s summer (well almost) here. still rainy though :P

      • Dave@lemmy.nzM
        1 year ago

        I’m not the person you replied to, but yes, it’s winter here. For some reason, in New Zealand we tell the seasons they have to start on the first of the month. They don’t often oblige, but we like to think they do.

        Lemmy is certainly more “wild west” than current day reddit, but that can depend on which server you join, as for example are really pushing to be a “nice” server, and have blocked federating with some other servers - so users from beehaw won’t see some posts that you’ll see.

        Reddit used to be a lot more “wild west” in it’s younger days, but they have been pushing to be more “radio friendly” in anticipation of turning into a publicly traded company. Many people are commenting that Lemmy feels more like reddit 10+ years ago, when it was small and unknown and sort of an in-club for people who knew about it (we used to say “the first rule of reddit is you don’t talk about reddit”).

    • Dave@lemmy.nzM
      1 year ago

      Feel free to ask questions! Yes, you will have questions :). As the platform matures the technical stuff will be tidied up and hidden, but until then you’ll definitely find an exposed wire from time to time!

    1 year ago

    We all have to work together so there’s an opensource option. This can be as simple as using the software and posting or commenting.

    The great thing is this is our space and does not belong to a business.

  • BlueÆ
    1 year ago

    Yes it does seem strange times.

    I was going to set up a NZ lemmy instance last week but came down with COVID (for the first time). Anyway I finally got it up and running if anyone wanted to pop in: No Last Name Needed