“We recognize that, in the next four years, our decision may cause us to have an even more difficult time. But we believe that this will give us a chance to recalibrate, and the Democrats will have to consider whether they want our votes or not.”
That’s gotta be one of the strangest reasonings I’ve heard in a while.
Then don’t accuse me of being a Republican for pointing out that Democrats did fuck all to preserve Roe.
I didn’t. I was sarcastically pointing out that we have a 0% chance of that happening under republicans.
Meanwhile if we had elected Clinton we would be looking at a very different SCOTUS and still have Roe standing.
I naively thought that out little Trump boondoggle would remind people of what can happen when they forget what kind of system we all function under but here we are, again, saying “you really don’t want to do that”.
Guess we need another round to make things even worse?
If Clinton had run as though she needed votes in states she ignored, she might have won.
But trying to get votes is beneath Democrats.
lol the fuck? It’s literally a facetious statement “maybe republicans will do it” while knowing full well that would never happen.
Nothing in that comment even slightly suggests I’m calling you a Republican.
How does one “ignore” a state?
That’s it, if Biden doesn’t come knocking on my door I’m not voting for him. Otherwise, how could I ask him questions and gather information on his policy positions? [this is another sarcastic paragraph meant to point out the fact that people shouldn’t need a visit from a candidate to make a voting decision. TV and the internet exist.]
By not campaigning in them.
I mean, that’s what Clinton failed to do in swing states. And it’s why she lost. You may think that swing states have an overinflated sense of their own importance and that talking to the flyover hayseeds is unbecoming, but ultimately, votes are earned, and can be lost. Clinton couldn’t grasp that. She lost.
You can’t grasp it either.
Maybe it’s because understanding it means you’ll have to admit that Clinton earned her loss.
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I found his walkback unconvincing and decided to let it go because I had other things to say and didn’t want to deal with him fixating on that. Believe what you want.
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Like I said, believe what you want.