
The thought of being remembered for something so bland and boring is weirdly scary to me. Maybe Felix was on to something when he talked about how settler-colonialism hollows out your soul and kills any culture, creativity or national identity you might’ve otherwise had. thinky-felix

Edit: 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻 SETTLER DOWN 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻

  • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]
    7 months ago

    dont you know that American are innocent little beans who were lied to in history class. can you believe it? in fact people on hexbear will claim that americans are “the most propagandized people on earth” and that everything is determinant already anyway and that humans have no choice and that morality and actions dont matter EXCEPT if you JUDGE someone for believing bigoted things YOU (the minority) are the bad guy and a bad leftist who is ruining any chances for communism to be real. im not over exaggerating takes like this have gotten 30+ upvotes, people have compared a poor person stealing bread to eat as the same as a white man choosing to be racist.

    • Redbolshevik2 [he/him]
      7 months ago

      It ties into another subject I refuse to shut up about: Left-Communism, “Orthodox Marxism”, Euro-Communism, and every other strain of anti-revolutionary, do-nothing jerkoff “Marxist” thought comes out of Europe. Is this because European propaganda is just so superior (no doubt due to their superior European genetics and civilization), or is it because the entire world is enslaved for the benefit of Europeans, and thus even the “Communists” Europe produces are, for the most part, parasites? I think the answer is obvious enough.

      The primary contradiction in the world is between the European and everyone else on Earth, not between the European worker and his European boss fighting over the spoils of global exploitation.

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      7 months ago

      people have compared a poor person stealing bread to eat as the same as a white man choosing to be racist.

      Scratches down in notebook

      Racism is a biological imperative to white men, similar to consumption of calories for humans.