Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]

autistic and sometimes very literal,and bad at bits (but I try). Nonbinary. let’s keep the good times going! have a great day comrade! you have to embrace the typos. i am an old user from the old sub who took a break for a bit.

  • 25 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: December 17th, 2022


  • love and solidarity comrade, and you know this is not THAT big af a deal but i do disagree. i do hope they win costuming and set design. and greta gerwig is one of the best directors out there right now, she will 1000% get her flowers, honestly I’m pretty excited to see what she does next. i think shes in the perfect position to tell a studio to let her make whatever the fuck she wants and I think is gonna be great.

  • ive seen it 4 times with different friends, maybe you should watch it again because holy shit if you think a throw away joke about how MEN are bad and not capitalism redeems the movie feminist bashing I don’t know what to tell you. also you missed the part where the “bully” character learns to stop worrying and love barbie uncritically beside some quips like mentioning the concept of white feminism before the narrative proves her wrong every time. like most of her lines are JOKES at the expense of feminists, its not just the scene its the whole movie. this movie is one of the best anti feminist movie in the sense that it gotten so many people to uncritically bash ACTULL feminist thoughts and ideas and reduce them into jokes.

  • you wanna get obnoxious and emotional? fine this movie quite literally reminded me vierserally and painfully in the theater of cw sexual assault


    MANY MANY men threatening to rape/ beat the “removed” out of me. it reminded me of being beaten with hockey stick in middle school by white girls for not liking feminine things enough and being labeled an angry lesbian in middle school. i reminded me of everytime is was told to shut up, or that I was talking to much about injustice, it reminded me of every white woman who has condescended to me. it reminded me of constantly being the joke of the family for not laughing at misogynistic jokes. this movie is MEAN this movie is shitty towards anyone outside the strict box they pretend feminsim is

    anyway go read bell hooks’s many critiques of women like your friend.

  • and I have never seen a mainstream movie the bashes leftists and feminists as much as Barbie did. so glad you met a woman who agrees with you, good for you! you want a gold star? the barbie movie was deeply mean-spirited, like one of the most I’ve ever seen directed by women, if you want me to provide a personal anecdote it reminded me of being called a “removed” my entire life since the age of 6. it reminds me of being bullied for thinking that girls aren’t shallow empty creatures, it portrays people who critique capitalism as bullies who don’t let women exits as they are. feminism is not a popularity contest, just because capitalists have found a version of feminism that is highly profitable doesn’t mean you need to call that feminism. I’m sorry your idea of feminism is so shallow and useless. like as a former little girl I can tell you this movie would not have been good for me to watch, it basically tells women to shut up and consume or else they are a mean angry feminists. this movie has done more harm to feminism than it could promote feminism. look at this thread! you are all just parroting the feminist-bashing message of the movie. also your friends should watch more movies, there are disnely channel movies with the same message as barbie but without the anti feminist pro-capitalist messaging.

  • one more thought.

    Of course Mattel is a horrible company. Everyone knows it.

    barbie is a CHILDREN’s movie, children do not know that Mattel is bad. this is a movie that implies “a bad feminist critiques capitalism, consumerism, and misogyny in the way women are represented, and a good feminist complains about the vague concept of patriarchy and never identifies which systems are oppressing them and also mattel is cool and you should buy barbies” children will see the bad angry anti-capitalist feminist character and try to not be like her and try to be soft and palatable like barbie. this movie send a shitty message to kids, the target audience who are unlikely to know as much as a leftist adult.

  • you’re the one calling barbie feminist im just diagreeing, so its odd to start your response that way .you could say the exact same thing about black panther, does that make it anti-racist, or pro black liberation? you are the one calling barbie feminist I’m saying its not. i saw barbie in pink with my friends we had fun, I had fun at black panther too, that doesn’t mean anything, just because something make you feel good doesn’t mean its feminist. lastly its hard to take your condescension about the real world seriously when we you are defending the BARBIE movie, I probably am in the top 20% of grass touchers on this site. in the real world people are allowed to disagree with popular opinions, I don’t base my opinion on movies by whats popular, we live in a patriarchy its should not be shocking that an anti feminist move would be popular, that doesn’t mean I have to call it feminist. its fun slop, enjoy it, love it, wear pink with your friends every Friday but just don’t call it feminist. your allowed to enjoy things just don’t try to force everything you like into your politics. also oppenhiemer was dogshit just dogshit in every way, I don’t know what you keep comparing these two movies barbie was 100000% better then oppenheimer could ever dream to be.

  • barbie had a whole scene where a mean angry feminist bullies Barbie for destroying girl’s self image, and her character arch is accepting that Barbie are good. it’s an anti-feminist movie made to sell toys and punch down on actual feminists. how anyone could call themselves a leftist and think that this toy ad is feminist is beyond me. thisis like when people argue that black panther is a politically sound movie. enjoy your slop, don’t pretend its feminist.