• ZagorathOP
    11 months ago

    Cr Allan leaning into the LNP’s “coalition of chaos” buzzword harder than anyone has before.

    He’s using it not just as a buzzword, but pretending that it’s actually a formal already-agreed thing.

    The Green-Labor coalition of chaos have announced three new taxes in three weeks.

    The Greens have announced some proposed taxes/levies. I’m not aware that Labor has ever supported them.

    Maybe a little bit more chaos than coalition happening in the ranks. Last week the Labor Lord Mayoral candidate released a press statement entitled “Brisbane renters cannot afford the Greens”. Apart from criticising their own coalition, the press statement was a poor attempt to showcase Labor’s plan to address the housing crisis.

    No such coalition exists.

    • ZagorathOP
      11 months ago

      Labor state that they will maintain the character of suburban Brisbane, yet they propose medium density in suburban residential areas.

      Medium density provides the most cost-affordable way to increase housing supply while also not needing to negatively impact “character”. In fact, as far as culture goes, medium density has enormous benefits over low density suburban sprawl.

      In short, his entire speech was a series of one lie after another.

  • ZagorathOP
    11 months ago

    Cr Wolff speaks up in favour of the Fig Tree Pocket/Kenmore Rds intersection “upgrade”. It was made with the intention of being a safety upgrade.

    Despite being ostensibly a safety upgrade, no consideration was given to the many pieces of feedback given by road safety advocates to the idea of a separated cycle path. There was “not enough room”, despite the fact that the intersection has been considerably widened to allow for a dedicated turning lane to go into a housing development with a grand total of about 40 houses.

    In the first week after the “upgrade” was completed, there was yet another crash. Well done Council, and well done Cr Wolff for supporting this disaster.