Old habits die hard, but there’s Reddiquette which needs to be revived, and some which needs to die.

Many “golden-age” redditors remember a time when downvoting was reserved for hostility, not a different opinion. For the sake of our growing community I would like to implore everyone to be awesome to each other.

However, this place is not Reddit.

  • We don’t measure in bananas here.
  • We don’t need to append “edit: typo” to edited posts and comments.
  • if you see something which is worthy of a downvote: down vote and move on! Don’t engage with it and feed the algorithm/engament machine so other people are exposed to it when sorting by active.
  • Zozano
    1 year ago

    You’re absolutely right. When the upvotes are high on a post I have a different opinion about, that just means they’re all suffering from mass delusion.

    These posts are NOT sarcasm. These are sincerely held beliefs and would (and will) be regarded as admissible evidence in court.

    • Treevan 🇦🇺
      1 year ago

      I might try turning off “Scores” in the settings so I can rawdog my feelings onto others posts and comments.

      It’s a brave new world.

      Edit: Did it. I literally do not know what to think.