Mitch McConnell offered a strong endorsement on Sunday of the Joe Biden White House’s $106bn aid proposal to Israel and Ukraine, saying he and the president were essentially “in the same place” on the issue.

McConnell, the powerful Republican leader in the Senate, also rebuffed some of his GOP colleagues in the Senate who have called for a package separating assistance for the two countries, saying it would be “a mistake” during an interview on CBS’s Face the Nation.

The Republican leader offered significant backing to the White House’s $106bn request, including $14bn in assistance to Israel, $60bn in aid to Ukraine and another $14bn to improve security on the US Mexico border. An additional $10bn would be allocated to humanitarian relief as well as an additional $7bn to the Indio-Pacific region.

    11 months ago

    So, this whole aid package is practically the most pathetic bribe to get the government back on track.

    The house can’t fucking pick a speaker and it’s not looking good so instead of the president trying to talk to the representatives he decided to just skip over them and basically wave a check for 100 billion in the air for the military industrial complex (one of the oldest lobbying groups) to basically figure it out for him for their reward.

    I don’t think it’s gonna work, but apparently McConnell does cause he’s now backing it or he’s hopeful it will work I don’t know.

    I think it was smart to put the Ukraine funds in there because it’s really one of the only ways the US is gonna be able to fund the war efforts at the moment. The holdouts don’t really care about how much the MIC makes anymore they are angry and happy to watch it all burn.

    I think this is a massive waste of money and pandering to the wrong people but if it works then I guess Biden gets points for knowing that the right thing to do is dead and money is the only thing to grease our wheels anymore in which case I hope this country fails to get it together cause that is a shit way to lead.

      11 months ago

      Expect more sleeper cell attacks in the US because of our involvement in this. As usual the people making up fucked up policy are never impacted by it in blood, only profit.

        11 months ago

        That’s a pretty dumb take. Like what sleeper cells? This just sounds like paranoia, and conspiracy that all tragedies are from secret shadow groups when honestly we make our own terrorists with little effort because of the little effort.

          11 months ago

          Ghost War by Steve Koll. It sort of explains my dumb take of how intetrvention in the Middle East breeds these sort of splinter groups that insert themselves in various countries and almost are always bankrolled.