Shortened version:
Alpha Patch 3.21.0 has now been released and is now available on the LIVE environment! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.21.0-LIVE.8779972.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER and Shader folders for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE. The Shader folders can be found here: %localappdata%\Star Citizen

Update Warning: 3.21 has a nearly 34gb patch diff from 3.20 LIVE
Short Term Database Reset: Yes (Loss of items not stored in LTP)
Long Term Persistence (LTP): Enabled
Starting aUEC: 20,000

Known Issues

  • Misc Reliant - All Variants - The Reliant’s wingstate does not change from its horizontal configuration with appropriate inputs after ASOP spawn
  • UI / Menus - Controls - Keybindings - The Default Preset Images for the keyboard and gamepad control schemes do not match what is bound by default
  • PU - Locations / Vehicles - When spawning a ship at a Docking Port, the ship will spawn clipped into the docking port geometry
  • MISC Hull C - PU - Vehicles - Can’t undock the Hull-C
  • PU - Crusader / Orison - Locations / Transit - It’s possible for turn gates to not open preventing players from entering shuttles
  • PU - Art - Items / Character / Textures - Multiple clothes / armor / undersuit variants lost color / using the default base color
  • PU - Multivehicle - Vehicles / Ships / Ship Components / Weapons - Laser Repeater occasionally stops firing but still consumes ammo
  • Hull C - Spawn / Cargo / LEO - Hull C with cargo can spawn extended in a large Hangar instead of Docking Port
  • Stanton - Multivehicle - RSI Constellation Series - Ship Feature - Snub Ship clips through Constellation variants in vertical position when retrieved from ASOP
  • PU - Stanton - Area18/GrimHex - Locations / Inventory / Respawn - Player loses loadout after dying in the armistice zone
  • Stanton - Actor - Personal Inventory - Right click item interaction menu cannot be closed once opened
  • PU - Stanton - AI / Locations - Combat AI will teleport / pop in combat
  • Multivehicle - PU - Vehicles / Actor Feature - Medical / Respawn - Cannot respawn on a ship that has streamed out
  • Room System / Actor / Locations - Room System does not protect player actor from extreme weather conditions in Lorville Interiors
  • Vehicles - Players and items can fall through the bottom deck of the Redeemer
  • Reclaimer - Vehicles - Stanton - Reclaimer bridge elevator interaction missing
  • Vehicles / GFX - Client FPS will drop as long as players are inside of the cockpit of the Drake Cutlass series
  • The Carrack’s main elevator will get locked in place and begin to spin indefinitely after spamming the floors for a few minutes
  • Landing Pads - Multivehicle / Shopping - Refuel, repair, and rearm services unavailable when landed
  • Stanton - AI - Mission Giver - Wallace Klim is not visible at his location in Grim Hex

New Features


  • New Jump Point Rest Stop Stations and Lagrange Points
  • New Legal/Illegal Mission: Retrieve Consignment
  • New Illegal Mission: Kareah - Steal Evidence

Ships & Vehicles:

  • Added New Flyable Ship: Crusader Industries A1 Spirit

Feature Updates


  • Repel Raid on Orison with New Crusader Platforms
  • Added Support for Players to Sell Things Owned by Members of Their Party Without it Being Considered Stolen

Ships and Vehicles:

  • Ground Vehicle Physics Updates
  • Driver Remote Turret QoL Improvements

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed and issue causing players to become unstowed and not have an option to enter the Star Citizen Universe
  • High winds on planets should no longer blow ships away
  • Cargo ATC should no longer fail to detect vehicles within the loading zone or fail to initiate cargo transfers
  • Fixed an issue causing character’s view to get stuck wiggling when colliding in EVA
  • Fixed an issue that could cause server performance to create rapid Spikes in Charge Level when Mining
  • Fixed Medical Bay Bed and Screen Obstruction in Hangars
  • Carrack’s bridge should no longer cause extreme performance drops
  • Fixed an issue causing low client FPS around Hammerheads
  • Fixed the ARGO RAFT being unable to collect refinery orders
  • Fixed an issue causing an incorrect model to appear while using the DNA Character Customizer
  • Fixed SDR Brightness/Contrast/Gamma settings causing degradation in HDR quality
  • AI NPCs should no longer face the wrong directions when performing a leaning animation
  • AI NPCs should no longer begin to float while standing within a useable
  • Fixed an issue causing AI to not exit reinforcement vehicles at derelict outpost locations
  • Fixed an issue causing unconscious AI preventing spawn closet doors from closing when inside them, which caused no more AI to spawn
  • Players in the Anvil Pisces should no longer get pushed out the top of the ship or get stuck when using the bed
  • Camera should no longer be forced into third person after the player stands up from any vehicle seat twice
  • Toggling power on/off and Changing Weapon Groupings should no longer cause mouse clicks to not respond
  • Fixed Ship weapons not being able to charge or show no ammo after being retrieved
  • Bartenders should no longer be missing in multiple bars in major cities
  • Green Imperial Medical Regeneration Kiosks should now correctly display their UI
  • Fixed Excessive ATC Cargo communication while loading or unloading Hull-C
  • Fixed auto-docking the Hull C causing it dock wrong into the port and damage the ship
  • Fixed an issue causing players who accepted a shared salvage mission to not have permission to salvage the mission ship
  • Camera should no longer be stuck on players feet while trying on backpacks in shops
  • AI NPCs can begin to float while standing within a useable
  • Fixed spawn closets sometimes placing enemy AI out of bounds of their intended spawn points
  • Fixed an issue causing player legs and arms to become contorted in many ship cockpits
  • The Caterpillar should no longer be missing flare and chaff countermeasures
  • ATC should no longer repeat “you are clear for launch” and provide no other function after undocking from a location
  • Players should now fully be able to equip looted items after restarting game session
  • Salvaged weapons and components should no longer disappear from ship cargo bay after storing
  • The Ballista should now be able to hit locked targets with missiles instead of hitting itself with the missiles


  • Fixed 7 Client Crashes
  • Fixed 5 Server Crashes
  • Fixed a Server Deadlock
  • Made Further Server Entity Optimizations