Australians have resoundingly rejected a proposal to recognise Aboriginal people in its constitution and establish a body to advise parliament on Indigenous issues.

Saturday’s voice to parliament referendum failed, with the defeat clear shortly after polls closed.

  • Whirlybird
    1 year ago

    From what I read in this article, I’m not even sure it would be properly democratic? Reads like a government advisory body which claims to represent the interests of a specific heritage - pretty strange.

    It also doesn’t mention how the body would be made up…who would be on it, how they’d be selected, how long they’d serve, or the kicker - that they even need to be indigenous lol. We also have hundreds of different indigenous groups that this one body is supposed to represent. How would disagreements be handled? How would every single groub be represented?

    There just weren’t enough details, and when we asked for details we were told not to worry about the details, just be a good boy/girl and vote yes and let the government take care of it. No surprise it lost.