For the love of God, please craft hobbies and an appreciation for life beyond abstract “utility” maximization. These freaks are so hyperalienated from their own existence that they can’t conceive of themselves as anything other than an input. Sorry nerds, you won’t find self-actualization by designing a marginally more addictive ad-software or another tulip bubble. Please stop eating the bugs and look at some art for a fucking change.

  • queermunist she/
    1 year ago

    What if I told you that we already have abundant housing, right now, as I type this out. And I’m not talking about our hotels, prisons, or “camp grounds”, but actual livable units1. Enough to solve Homelessness in the US multiple times over2.

    It simply is not evenly distributed yet

    We’re also already destroying our biosphere and the tank of natural resources is running dry. This abundance is artificial, created by stealing from the future. It can not be sustained. We can’t just seize the already existing infrastructure, a lot of this shit has to be torn down. Especially the 🤢 suburbs 🤮

    Oh I believe in seizing hotels for exactly this purpose.

    A good compromise. I still favor actual hives, but yes, public hotel rooms would be a good halfway point between full apartments and bug pods.

    • Thordros [he/him, comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      It looks like you’re talking past one another here. OF COURSE suburbs, golf courses, yachts, and other rich people bullshit needs to be bulldozed. Fuck that shit.

      In a GOOD world—where everybody gets a nice apartment, all their basic needs met, and we’ve transitioned entirely to renewable energy—we’ll be living lives of abundance, rather than scarcity.

      Maybe I’m talking out my ass here, but in a world where the profit motive is gone, I cannot imagine we’d run into any hard limits on Earth for a long, long time.