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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Helpful-Pup-817 on 2023-09-12 19:41:50.

I’ve been seeing this girl (let’s call her Brittney) for about 1 year. She recently convinced me to let her move in about a month ago.

I felt like it was too early (we’re both early to mid twenties), and she knew I was reluctant. However, she begged me to let her move in, because her roommate has been extremely disruptive (comes home late at night super drunk, makes huge mess). So I said yes, for now.

Anyways, she’s known that I’ve wanted to get a dog for basically as long as we’ve been dating, specifically a Husky. She knows that I’ve been monitoring local pounds / shelters for months now.

About a week ago, I saw that a perfect ~3 year old Husky was listed, and immediately picked her up from the shelter.

When girlfriend got home and saw the Husky, she was extremely angry and yelled at me for making the decision on my own, without consulting her. She says that I should take the dog back or break up with her.

I feel like she should’ve expected this at some point? She also hasn’t helped pay rent yet, so I feel like she shouldn’t get to tell me not to adopt the dog that I’ve been waiting for forever. Reddit, AITA? What would you do?